ImageEn, unit iexRichEdit |
function InsertTable(ColCount: Integer;
RowCount: Integer;
ColWidth: Integer = 100;
RowHeight: Integer = 0;
BorderSize: Integer = 1;
BorderColor: TColor = clBlack;
TableAlignment: TAlignment = taLeftJustify;
CellVertAlign: TVerticalAlignment = taAlignTop;
CellMargin: Integer = 4;
BackgroundColor: TColor = clWhite;
Indent: Integer = 0
): Boolean;
Inserts a new table at the current cursor position.
Result is false if the table could not be inserted.
Rich Edit Identifier: EM_INSERTTABLE
if IERichEdit1.InsertTable( 3, 2 ) = False then
raise Exception.create( 'Could not insert table' );
See Also