ImageEn, unit iemview




function ImageGetDisplayText(Index: Integer; Field: TIEImageEnMViewDefaultText): WideString; overload;
function ImageGetDisplayText(Index: Integer; Field: TIEImageEnMViewSortBy): WideString; overload;
function ImageGetDisplayText(Index: Integer; const s: WideString): WideString; overload;


Returns the display text for item in the control.
You can either specify a text field or a string containing one or more IEM constants:
Value Displays Example
IEM_Filename Name of the file 'MyImage.jpg'
IEM_FilenameNoExt Name of the file without its extension (or path) 'MyImage'
IEM_FilePath Path of the file 'C:\Data\My Pictures\'
IEM_ImageDimensions Dimensions and color depth of images (Nothing is shown for non-images) '1200 x 800'
IEM_ImageDimAndSize Dimensions of images with the file size '1200 x 800, 3,900 KB'
IEM_FileSize Size of the file on disk '3,900 KB'
IEM_FileCreateDate The date that the file was created '7/5/13'
IEM_FileCreateDateTime The date and time that the file was created '7/5/13 8:03am'
IEM_FileCreateDateAndSize The create date of the file and its size '7/5/13, 3,900 KB'
IEM_FileEditDate The date that the file was last edited '7/5/13'
IEM_FileEditDateTime The date and time that the file was last edited '7/5/13 8:03am'
IEM_FileEditDateAndSize The last edit date of the file and its size '7/5/13, 3,900 KB'
IEM_FileType The ImageEn type for this file 'JPEG Image'
IEM_FileExt The extension only of the file, e.g. JPEG for 'MyImage.jpeg' 'JPEG'
IEM_ImageDict"xyz" Returns the value of key xyz from the ImageDictionary 'Some Dictionary Value'


lblSelectedFilename.Caption := ImageEnView1.ImageGetDisplayText( ImageEnView1.SelectedImage, iedtFilename );

// Which is the same as...
lblSelectedFilename.Caption := ImageEnView1.ImageGetDisplayText( ImageEnView1.SelectedImage, IEM_Filename );