procedure SetModernStyling(bAutoGridWidth : Boolean = False; iThumbWidth : Integer = 0; iThumbHeight : Integer = 0; bSoftShadow: Boolean = True; DarkColors: Boolean = False);
Call SetModernStyling in FormCreate to update the control with the settings which closely match the current Windows styling.
if bAutoGridWidth is enabled then
GridWidth is set to -1. You can also optionally specify default values for
GridWidth and
GridWidth and add a
The current implementation of SetModernStyling makes the following changes:
Style := iemsFlat;
Background := clWindow;
ThumbnailsBackground := clWindow;
ThumbnailsBackgroundSelected := $00FCEADA;
ThumbnailsBackgroundHover := $00FFF3E5;
SelectionColor := $00CEA27D;
TextMargin := 4;
HorizBorder := 8;
VertBorder := 8;
UpperGap := 0; (or 4 if bSoftShadow = False)
BottomGap := 0; (or 4 if bSoftShadow = False)
LeftGap := 0; (or 4 if bSoftShadow = False)
RightGap := -1; (which uses the same value as LeftGap)
TextBackgroundStyle := bsClear;
SoftShadow.Radius := 2;
SoftShadow.OffsetX := 1;
SoftShadow.OffsetY := 1;
SoftShadow.Intensity := 50;
SoftShadow.Enabled := bSoftShadow;
DarkColors is enabled, a darker set of colors is applied.
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
ImageEnMView1.SetModernStyling( True );
// Apply modern styling with dark colors
ImageEnMView1.SetModernStyling( True, 0, 0, False, True );
See Also