
Global Image Methods


Global Method  IECalcJpegFileQuality
Global Method  IECalcJpegStreamQuality

Lossless JPEG Transformations

Rotate, flip or crop a JPEG image without recompression so that its quality is maintained.
Global Method  JpegLosslessTransform
Global Method  JpegLosslessTransform2
Global Method  JpegLosslessTransformStream


Global Method  IEAnonymizeDicomTags
Global Method  IEDicomGetTagInfoEx
Global Method  GenerateDicomColorPalette
Global Method  IEGetDicomTagDescription


Global Method  IEGetSVGTagAttribute
Global Method  IEGetSVGTagType
Global Method  IEParseSVGFontAttributes
Global Method  IEParseSVGImageTag
Global Method  IEParseSVGLineTag
Global Method  IEParseSVGPathTag
Global Method  IEParseSVGPolyTag
Global Method  IEParseSVGShapeTag
Global Method  IEParseSVGStyleAttributes
Global Method  IEParseSVGTextTag
Global Method  IERenderSVGTagToBitmap


Global Method  IEShowImageInfo
Global Method  IEShowImagePreview

Multipage Image Methods

The following are global methods for managing multi-frame image types. Generally it is easier to manipulate multi-page images in memory using the TIEMultiBitmap class, or visually, using TImageEnMView.

Global Method  IEGetFileFramesCount

GIF Methods
Global Method  CheckAniGIF
Global Method  DeleteGifIm
Global Method  EnumGifIm (Image Count)
Global Method  IEOptimizeGIF

TIFF Methods
Global Method  DeleteTIFFImGroup
Global Method  DeleteTIFFIm
Global Method  EnumTIFFIm (Image Count)
Global Method  EnumTIFFStream
Global Method  ExtractTIFFImageFile
Global Method  ExtractTIFFImageStream
Global Method  InsertTIFFImageFile
Global Method  InsertTIFFImageStream

Icons (ICO) Methods
Global Method  EnumICOIm (Image Count)
Global Method  IEWriteICOImages

Adobe PDF Methods
Global Method  IEPDFPageCount
Global Method  ImportPagesIntoPDF
Global Method  DeletePagesFromPDF

Global Method  IECreatePDFFromFileList

AVI Codecs

Global Method  IEAVISelectCodec
Global Method  IEAVIGetCodecs
Global Method  IEAVIGetCodecsDescription

WIC Codecs (Windows Imaging API)

Global Method  IEWICEnumerateCodecs
Global Method  IEWICFormatSupported

Register ImageEn Formats in VCL (e.g. for TImage and TGraphic)

Global Method  IERegisterFormats
Global Method  IEUnregisterFormats