ImageEn, unit iexCanvasUtils



function IECreateShapeRegion(Shape: TIEShape; iLeft, iTop, iWidth, iHeight: Integer;
                             Angle: Integer = 0; ShapeModifier: Integer = 0): HRgn; overload;
function IECreateShapeRegion(Shape: TIEShape; ARect: TRect; MaintainAspect: TIEBooleanEx = iebDefault;
                             Angle: Integer = 0; ShapeModifier: Integer = 0): HRgn; overload;


Create an HRGN of a TIEShape at the specified position and size.
If MaintainAspect is iebDefault, then shapes are output at the aspect ratio they were designed (if iebTrue then a 1:1 aspect ratio is enforced even if it was not designed with one).
Angle is the amount of rotation to apply (degrees counter-clockwise).

ShapeModifier has the following effect:
Shape Effect Range Default
iesCustomShape Number of sides of the shape 3 - 50 10
iesCustomStar Number of points of the star 3 - 50 10
iesCustomExplosion Number of points of the explosion 3 - 5012
iesEllipseSegment Width of the ellipse segment (in degrees) 1 - 90 45
iesCustomCog Number of teeth of the cog 3 - 72 12
iesCustomAsterisk Number of points of the asterisk 3 - 72 12
iesCustomFlower Number of petals of the flower 3 - 72 12
iesCustomRadiance Number of rays 3 - 72 12
iesCustomRadiance2 Number of rays 3 - 72 12

Note: Defined in iexCanvasUtils unit


// Create a heart HRGN
aRgn := IECreateShapeRegion( iesExplosion, 0, 0, 200, 200 );

See Also
