ImageEn, unit iexHelperFunctions |
function DetectBlobs(MinThreshold: Double = 50;
MaxThreshold: Double = 220;
ThresholdStep: Double = 10;
MinBlobDistance: Double = 10;
GrayFilterEnabled: Boolean = True;
GrayLevel: Integer = 0;
AreaFilterEnabled: Boolean = True;
MinArea: Double = 25;
MaxArea: Double = 5000;
CircularityFilterEnabled: Boolean = False;
MinCircularity: Double = 0.8;
MaxCircularity: Double = 3.4e+38;
InertiaFilterEnabled: Boolean = False;
MinInertia: Double = 0.1;
MaxInertia: Double = 3.4e+38;
ConvexityFilterEnabled: Boolean = False;
MinConvexity: Double = 0.95;
MaxConvexity: Double = 3.4e+38): TIERectArray;
A shortcut method that creates a
TIEVisionBlobDetector object and calls
For more information on the parameters:
◼You must add the iexHelperFunctions unit to your uses clause
◼You can draw the rects to a canvas using
DrawRects◼Blob detection requires
IEVision. You will need to
register it before calling the method
Method Behaviour
The following call:
rects := ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.DetectBlobs( 50, 220, 10, 150 );
Is the same as calling:
blobDetector := IEVisionLib().createBlobDetector();
blobDetector.setThreshold( 50, 220, 10 );
blobDetector.setMinDistBetweenBlobs( 150 );
blobDetector.setFilterByInertia( False, 0.8, 3.4e+38 );
blobDetector.setFilterByConvexity( False, 0.95, 3.4e+38 );
keyPoints := blobDetector.detect( ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.GetIEVisionImage() );
| Demos\ImageEditing\EveryMethod\EveryMethod.dpr |
// Detect blobs in image
rects := ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.DetectBlobs( 50, 220, 10, 150 );
// Draw rects to image
for i := 0 to Length(rects) - 1 do
r := rects[i];
with ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.Canvas do
Pen.Width := 2;
Pen.Color := clRed;
Brush.Style := bsClear;
Rectangle( r.x, r.y, r.x + r.width, r.y + r.width );
ImageEnView1.Proc.TextOut( Align_Text_Near_Left, Align_Text_Near_Top, Format( 'Found: %d', [ Length(rects) ]), 'Arial', 12, Text_Color, [fsBold] );