ImageEn, unit iexColorPalette




property HintFormat: string;


Specifies the hint that is displayed when hovering over a color. Set to '' to disable custom hints.

You can use the following constants:
Const Value Description
IECP_Index_Value %INDEX% The index of the color in the control (zero-based)
IECP_Delphi_Value %HTML% The color as a Delphi value, e.g. clRed or $00663300
IECP_Html_Value %HTML% The color as an HTML value, e.g. $FF0033
IECP_RGB_R_Value %RGB_R% The Red value of RGB
IECP_RGB_G_Value %RGB_G% The Green value of RGB
IECP_RGB_B_Value %RGB_B% The Blue value of RGB
IECP_HSL_H_Value %HSL_H% The Hue value of HSL
IECP_HSL_S_Value %HSL_S% The Saturation value of HSL
IECP_HSL_L_Value %HSL_L% The Luminance value of HSL
IECP_HSV_H_Value %HSV_H% The Hue value of HSV
IECP_HSV_S_Value %HSV_S% The Saturation value of HSV
IECP_HSV_V_Value %HSV_V% The Value of HSV
IECP_CMYK_C_Value %CMYK_C% The Cyan value of CMYK
IECP_CMYK_M_Value %CMYK_M% The Magenta value of CMYK
IECP_CMYK_Y_Value %CMYK_Y% The Yellow value of CMYK
IECP_CMYK_Y_Value %CMYK_Y% The Black value of CMYK

You can specify the hint display time using CustomHintTimeout

Default: '%HTML% (R: %RGB_R%, G: %RGB_G%, B: %RGB_B%)'


// Display full color details
ColorPalette1.HintFormat := IECP_Html_Value   + #13#10 +
                            'R: ' + IECP_RGB_R_Value + ', G: ' + IECP_RGB_G_Value + ', B: ' + IECP_RGB_B_Value + #13#10 +
                            'C: ' + IECP_CMYK_C_Value + ', M: ' + IECP_CMYK_M_Value + ', Y: ' + IECP_CMYK_Y_Value + ', K: ' + IECP_CMYK_K_Value + #13#10 +
                            'H: ' + IECP_HSL_H_Value + ', S: ' + IECP_HSL_S_Value + ', L: ' + IECP_HSL_L_Value + #13#10 +
                            'H: ' + IECP_HSV_H_Value + ', S: ' + IECP_HSV_S_Value + ', V: ' + IECP_HSV_V_Value;

// Display as a Delphi format color
colorColorPalette1.HintFormat := IECP_Delphi_Value;

// Disable custom hints
ColorPalette1.HintFormat := '';
ColorPalette1.Hint := 'Choose a color';