ImageEn, unit iexGoogleApi |
function ProcessImage(const Filename: string; SilentFailures: Boolean = False): Boolean; overload;
function ProcessImage(bmp: TIEBitmap; SilentFailures: Boolean = False): Boolean; overload;
function ProcessImage(Stream: TStream; SilentFailures: Boolean = False): Boolean; overload;
Submit an image to the
Google Vision web service for processing.
If SilentFailures = False, an exception will be raised on failure. Otherwise the result will be False on failure.
Specify your API key using:
GoogleApiKeySpecify which features to detect using:
RequestTypesSpecify the delivery size by setting
SendImageWidth and
SendImageHeightThen submit, e.g. GoogleApi.ProcessImage( ImageEnView1.IEBitmap );
Access the results via:
◼You need an API key that supports the "Google Cloud Vision API". See
our instructions for this.
◼Google recommends that images be scaled for sending by setting
SendImageWidth and
SendImageHeight◼If you are sending a full size image, then the Filename overload will likely give best performance. If you are scaling the image and already have it loaded, then the TIEBitmap is likely best.
◼ProcessImage() requires Delphi/BCB 10.1 (Berlin) or newer (on older versions you can still parse content by setting
| Demos\InputOutput\GoogleVisionApi\GoogleVisionApi.dpr |
Cursor := crHourglass;
lblSubmitting.Visible := True;
GVision := TIEGoogleVision.Create( MY_API_KEY );
// Use recommended delivery size (for faster processing)
GVision.SendImageWidth := 640;
GVision.SendImageHeight := 480;
GVision.RequestTypes := [iegrWebDetection, iegrSafeSearchDetection, iegrLandmarkDetection];
GVision.ProcessImage( edtFilename.Text );
if Length( GVision.WebDetection.bestGuessLabels ) > 0 then
lbxResults.Items.Add( 'This image is likely to be: ' + GVision.WebDetection.bestGuessLabels[0].webLabel );
if GVision.HasLandmarkAnnotations then
lbxResults.Items.Add( 'This image is the landmark: ' + GVision.LandmarkAnnotations[0].description );
lbxResults.Items.Add( 'Latitude: ' + LatLongToStr( GVision.LandmarkAnnotations[0].latitude, True ));
lbxResults.Items.Add( 'Longitude: ' + LatLongToStr( GVision.LandmarkAnnotations[0].longitude, False ));
lbxResults.Items.Add( format( 'Found %d matching images on the web', [ GVision.WebDetection.fullMatchingImages.Count ]));
lbxResults.Items.AddStrings( GVision.WebDetection.fullMatchingImages );
lbxResults.Items.Add( format( 'Found %d pages on the web containing this image', [ GVision.WebDetection.pagesWithMatchingImages.Count ]));
lbxResults.Items.AddStrings( GVision.WebDetection.pagesWithMatchingImages );
if in [ieglLikely, ieglVeryLikely] then
lbxResults.Items.Add( 'Likely to be an ADULT image' );
if GVision.SafeSearchAnnotation.violence in [ieglLikely, ieglVeryLikely] then
lbxResults.Items.Add( 'Likely to be an VIOLENT image' );
Cursor := crDefault;
lblSubmitting.Visible := False;