procedure ConvertToImageLayer(QualityFactor: Double = 2; CropAlpha: Boolean = True);
Changes the
type of the current layer to
This will change it from a vector-based layer to a standard bitmap layer. Bitmap layers can be edited using
standard image modification features, but the quality will be lost if you resize the layer.
If the layer type is already
TIEImageLayer then
rotation is fixed using
LayersFixRotations and
opacity is applied to the image (i.e. converted to image alpha).
QualityFactor determines the size that the layer bitmap is created. A
QualityFactor of 1 will create the bitmap at the current display size, whereas a
QualityFactor of 2 would create it at double the display size (allowing it to be zoomed up 200% without loss of quality).
CropAlpha is true, then it remove any alpha from the edges of the layer.
◼For text layers, a QualityFactor of 1 usually works best
◼To convert multiple layers, use
LayersConvertToImageLayers// Convert the current layer to an image, and apply a Negative effect
// Convert an image layer with 50% opacity to an image with 50% alpha
ImageEnView1.LayersAdd( ielkImage );
TIEImageLayer( ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer ).Bitmap.LoadFromFile( 'D:\MyImage.jpeg' );
ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer.Opacity := 0.50;
// Convert all rich text layers to images
for i := 0 to ImageEnView1.LayersCount - 1 do
if ( ImageEnView1.Layers[i] is TIETextLayer ) and
( TIETextLayer( ImageEnView1.Layers[i]).IsFormatted() ) then
ImageEnView1.Layers[i].ConvertToImageLayer(1, True);