ImageEn, unit iexMetaHelpers



TIEMetaListOptions = set of (iemoAutoColWidths, iemoDirectEdit, iemoEasySave, iemoKeyboard);


Item Description
iemoAutoColWidths Makes the right-hand column automatically fill the available width
iemoDirectEdit When the control is attached to an TImageEnView and the user edits a value, the change will be automatically applied to the TImageEnView.IO.Params. If not included, you will need to call AssignTo to update the params
iemoEasySave If included, then when the user edits a value, any exit from the editor (e.g. cursor keys, clicking outside) will save the changes. If not include the user must click the Return key to save changes
iemoKeyboard User can click Ctrl+C to copy the selected value to the clipboard


// Enable editing (without updating the TIOParams immediately)
IEMetaList1.AttachedImageEn := ImageEnView1;
IEMetaList1.Options := IEMetaListOptions1.Options - [iemoDirectEdit];
IEMetaListView1.EditableTypes := [iemEXIF, iemIPTC, iemDicom];
// After editing, to save changes...
IEMetaList1.AssignTo( ImageEnView1.IO.Params );

// User must click "Return" to save changes
IEMetaList1.Options := IEMetaListOptions1.Options - [iemoEasySave];

// Disable Ctrl+C support
IEMetaList1.Options := IEMetaListOptions1.Options - [iemoKeyboard];