ImageEn, unit iexUserInteractions |
function ExportPages(const DestFilename: String; const Pages: array of Integer): Boolean; overload;
function ExportPages(const DestFilename: String; const ExportRange: string): Boolean; overload;
function ExportPages(const DestFilename: String; const PgIndex, PgCount: Integer): Boolean; overload;
function ExportPages(DestStream: TStream; const Pages: array of Integer): Boolean; overload;
function ExportPages(DestStream: TStream; const ExportRange: string): Boolean; overload;
function ExportPages(DestStream: TStream; const PgIndex, PgCount: Integer): Boolean; overload;
Export pages from the current document to a new PDF file.
Specify a destination filename or a stream.
If the existing file exists, it will be overwritten.
The pages to export are specified by
ExportRange or the
Pages array. If a null value is specified, ALL pages are exported.
ExportRange is a string, e.g. "1,3,5-7". IT IS ONE-BASED.
Pages is an array of page indexes, e.g. [0, 2, 4, 5, 6]. IT IS ZERO-BASED.
PgIndex, PgCount specifies a range of page indexes, e.g. 0 to 6. IT IS ZERO-BASED.
The following will have the same effect:
ImageEnView1.PdfViewer.ExportPages( 'C:\Document.pdf', '1,3,5-7' );
ImageEnView1.PdfViewer.ExportPages( 'C:\Document.pdf', [0, 2, 4, 5, 6] );
Result will be true if the export succeeds.
// Export the first three pages
ImageEnView1.PdfViewer.ExportPages( 'C:\Document.pdf', [0,1,2] );
// Which is the same as:
ImageEnView1.PdfViewer.ExportPages( 'C:\Document.pdf', '1-3' );
// Export the selected pages of a PDF document displayed in a TImageEnMView
// i.e. PDF Viewer is enabled ImageEnView1, and ImageEnMView1.AttachedImageEnView is set to ImageEnView1
ImageEnView1.PdfViewer.ExportPages( 'D:\out.pdf', ImageEnMView1.MultiSelectedImagesList );
See Also