ImageEn, unit iexWPD




function DeleteFromDevice(const sDeviceID, sObjectID : WideString; bDeleteSubObjects: Boolean = True): Integer; overload;
function DeleteFromDevice(const sDeviceID, sObjectID : WideString; bDeleteSubObjects: Boolean; var sResultText: WideString): Integer; overload;
function DeleteFromDevice(const sDeviceID : WideString; ssObjectIDs : TStrings; bDeleteSubObjects: Boolean = True): Integer; overload;
function DeleteFromDevice(const sDeviceID : WideString; ssObjectIDs : TStrings; bDeleteSubObjects: Boolean; var sResultText: WideString): Integer; overload;
function DeleteFromDevice(Indexes : TStrings; bDeleteSubObjects: Boolean = True): Integer; overload;


Delete files or folders from a device.

Parameter Description
sDeviceID The ID of the device to delete from (e.g. ActiveDeviceID
sObjectID or ssObjectIDs The ID(s) of the file(s) or folder(s) to delete (e.g. ActiveFolderID
bDeleteSubObjects If sObjectID is a folder, then enabling bDeleteSubObjects will also delete all objects in sub-folders
sResultText Is filled with a response from the WPD API regarding the success or failure of the action (e.g. "1 file was successfully deleted)

Result is a count of the files deleted, or -1 if an error was encountered.


// Delete the current folder and all sub-folders
IEPortableDevices.DeleteFromDevice( IEPortableDevices.ActiveDeviceID, IEPortableDevices.ActiveFolderID, True );

// Delete the selected file or folder
procedure TfrmMain.btnDeleteFromDeviceClick(Sender: TObject);
  sResultText: WideString;
  Idx: Integer;
  aObject: TIEWPDObject;
  if lbxObjects.ItemIndex < 0 then

  Idx := fPortableDevices.ObjectIDToIndex( lbxObjects.Items[ lbxObjects.ItemIndex ] );
  aObject := fPortableDevices.Objects[ Idx ];

  if MessageDlg( 'Are you sure you want to delete the file: ' + aObject.Filename, mtConfirmation, [ mbYes, mbNo ], 0 ) = mrYes then
    // Note: bDeleteSubObjects is true, so if a folder is selected it will also delete any files in it
    if IEPortableDevices.DeleteFromDevice(  IEPortableDevices.ActiveDeviceID, aObject.ID, True, sResultText ) > -1 then
      lbxObjects.Items.Delete( lbxObjects.ItemIndex );
    ShowMessage( sResultText );

// Delete all displayed files
procedure TfrmMain.btnDeleteAllClick(Sender: TObject);
  sResultText: WideString;
  iCount: Integer;
  if lbxObjects.Items.Count = 0 then

  if MessageDlg( format( 'Are you sure you want to delete the %d files in this folder?', [ lbxObjects.Items.Count ] ),
                mtConfirmation, [ mbYes, mbNo ], 0 ) = mrYes then
    iCount := IEPortableDevices.DeleteFromDevice( IEPortableDevices.ActiveDeviceID, lbxObjects.Items, True, sResultText );
    if iCount = -1 then
      ShowMessage( sResultText )
      ShowMessage( format( '%d files were successfully deleted', [ iCount ] ));