function NavigateToFolderPath(const sPath : WideString; bIncludeSubFolders : Boolean = False; GetTypes: TIEWPDObjectTypes = [iewFile, iewFolder]) : Boolean; overload;
function NavigateToFolderPath(const sDeviceID, sPath : WideString; bIncludeSubFolders : Boolean = False; GetTypes: TIEWPDObjectTypes = [iewFile, iewFolder]) : Boolean; overload;
Navigates to a device folder specified by a path and fills the
objects list. A path is a list of folders specified by their FriendlyName and delimited by a slash. e.g. Card\DCIM\ for the image folder on a smartphone.
Parameter | Description |
sDeviceID | The device to open (if not specified then the active device is used). A friendly name can also be specified |
sPath | The path to open on that device. Optionally, it can include the device ID to open a folder on a specific device |
bIncludeSubFolders | Whether to also retrieve objects in sub-folders |
GetTypes | The type of objects to returns, files (iewFile), folders (iewFolder) or both |
Result is false if an error was detected. You can check
LastError for detail on the failure.
// Add all files in the DCIM folder and its sub-folders
if fPortableDevices.NavigateToFolderPath( 'Card\DCIM\', True, iewFile ) then
for I := 0 to fPortableDevices.ObjectCount - 1 do
lbxObjects.Items.Add( fPortableDevices.Objects[ I ].ID );
fPortableDevices.NavigateToFolderPath( 'WPD:GM2913\Internal shared storage\DCIM', True, iewFile );