ImageEn, unit iexTransitions



  TIETransitionType = (iettNone,
                       iettCrossDissolve,                          // Cross Fade
                       iettFadeOut,                                // Fade Out
                       iettFadeIn,                                 // Fade In
                       iettFadeOutIn,                              // Fade Out then In
                       iettLeftRight,                              // Wipe Left to Right
                       iettZigzagLeftRight,                        // Zigzag Wipe Left to Right
                       iettRightLeft,                              // Wipe Right to Left
                       iettZigzagRightLeft,                        // Zigzag Wipe Right to Left
                       iettUpDown,                                 // Wipe Top to Bottom
                       iettZigzagUpDown,                           // Zigzag Wipe Top to Bottom
                       iettDownUp,                                 // Wipe Bottom to Top
                       iettZigzagDownUp,                           // Zigzag Wipe Bottom to Top
                       iettFromUpLeft,                             // Slide from Top Left
                       iettFromUpRight,                            // Slide from Top Right
                       iettFromBottomLeft,                         // Slide from Bottom Left
                       iettFromBottomRight,                        // Slide from Bottom Right
                       iettMoveLeftRight1,                         // Push Left to Right
                       iettMoveLeftRight2,                         // Slide Out Left to Right
                       iettMoveRightLeft1,                         // Push Right to Left
                       iettMoveRightLeft2,                         // Slide Out Right to Left
                       iettMoveUpDown1,                            // Push Top to Bottom
                       iettMoveUpDown2,                            // Slide Out Top to Bottom
                       iettMoveDownUp1,                            // Push Bottom to Top
                       iettMoveDownUp2,                            // Slide Out Bottom to Top
                       iettRandomPoints,                           // Random Points
                       iettRandomBoxes,                            // Random Boxes
                       iettCenter1,                                // Wipe Out from Center
                       iettCenter2,                                // Wipe In to Center
                       iettCenterZoom1,                            // Expand Out from Center
                       iettCenterZoom2                             // Expand In to Center

                       {$ifdef IEIncludeExtraTransitionEffects}
                       ,iettExpandFromLeft,                        // Expand from Left
                       iettExpandFromRight,                        // Expand from Right
                       iettExpandFromTop,                          // Expand from Top
                       iettExpandFromBottom,                       // Expand from Bottom
                       iettExpandFromTopLeft,                      // Expand from Top Left
                       iettExpandFromTopRight,                     // Expand from Top Right
                       iettExpandFromBottomLeft,                   // Expand from Bottom Left
                       iettExpandFromBottomRight,                  // Expand from Bottom Right
                       iettExpandInFromLeft,                       // Expand in from Left
                       iettExpandInFromRight,                      // Expand in from Right
                       iettExpandInFromTop,                        // Expand in from Top
                       iettExpandInFromBottom,                     // Expand in from Bottom
                       iettExpandInToVerticalCenter,               // Expand in to Vertical Center
                       iettExpandInToHorizon,                      // Expand in to Horizon
                       iettExpandInFromSides,                      // Expand in from Sides
                       iettExpandInFromTopAndBottom,               // Expand in from Top and Bottom
                       iettExpandOutFromHorizon,                   // Expand out from Horizon
                       iettExpandOutFromVerticalCenter,            // Expand out from Vertical Center
                       iettWipeFromTopLeft,                        // Wipe from Top Left
                       iettWipeFromTopRight,                       // Wipe from Top Right
                       iettWipeFromBottomLeft,                     // Wipe from Bottom Left
                       iettWipeFromBottomRight,                    // Wipe from Bottom Right
                       iettWipeInFromTopAndBottom,                 // Wipe in from Top and Bottom
                       iettWipeFromHorizon,                        // Wipe from Horizon
                       iettWipeInFromSides,                        // Wipe in from Sides
                       iettWipeOutFromVerticalCenter,              // Wipe out from Vertical Center
                       iettBuildUpFromLeft,                        // Build up from Left
                       iettBuildUpFromRight,                       // Build up from Right
                       iettBuildUpFromTop,                         // Build up from Top
                       iettBuildUpFromBottom,                      // Build up from Bottom
                       iettUnrollFromLeft,                         // Unroll from Left
                       iettUnrollFromRight,                        // Unroll from Right
                       iettUnrollFromTop,                          // Unroll from Top
                       iettUnrollFromBottom,                       // Unroll from Bottom
                       iettSlideInFromLeft,                        // Slide in from Left
                       iettSlideInFromRight,                       // Slide in from Right
                       iettSlideInFromTop,                         // Slide in from Top
                       iettSlideInFromBottom,                      // Slide in from Bottom
                       iettShrinkToTopLeft,                        // Shrink to Top Left
                       iettShrinkToTopRight,                       // Shrink to Top Right
                       iettShrinkToBottomLeft,                     // Shrink to Bottom Left
                       iettShrinkToBottomRight,                    // Shrink to Bottom Right
                       iettShrinkToCenter,                         // Shrink to Center
                       iettQuartersWipeInToCenter,                 // Quarters Wipe in to Center
                       iettQuartersExpandToCenter,                 // Quarters Expand to Center
                       iettQuartersSlideInToCenter,                // Quarters Slide in to Center
                       iettCurvedWipeFromLeft,                     // Curved Wipe from Left
                       iettCurvedWipeFromRight,                    // Curved Wipe from Right
                       iettCurvedWipeFromTop,                      // Curved Wipe from Top
                       iettCurvedWipeFromBottom,                   // Curved Wipe from Bottom
                       iettCurvedWipeFromTopLeft,                  // Curved Wipe from Top Left
                       iettCurvedWipeFromTopRight,                 // Curved Wipe from Top Right
                       iettCurvedWipeFromBottomLeft,               // Curved Wipe from Bottom Left
                       iettCurvedWipeFromBottomRight,              // Curved Wipe from Bottom Right
                       iettBarsInFromLeft,                         // Bars in from Left
                       iettBarsInFromRight,                        // Bars in from Right
                       iettBarsFromTop,                            // Bars from Top
                       iettBarsFromBottom,                         // Bars from Bottom
                       iettBarsLeftThenRight,                      // Bars Left then Right
                       iettBarsRightThenLeft,                      // Bars Right then Left
                       iettBarsTopThenBottom,                      // Bars Top then Bottom
                       iettBarsBottomThenTop,                      // Bars Bottom then Top
                       iettBarsFromBothSides,                      // Bars from both Sides
                       iettBarsFromTopAndBottom,                   // Bars from Top and Bottom
                       iettShreddedFromLeft,                       // Shredded from Left
                       iettShreddedFromRight,                      // Shredded from Right
                       iettShreddedFromTop,                        // Shredded from Top
                       iettShreddedFromBottom,                     // Shredded from Bottom
                       iettShreddedFromTopAndLeft,                 // Shredded from Top and Left
                       iettShreddedFromTopAndRight,                // Shredded from Top and Right
                       iettShreddedFromBottomAndLeft,              // Shredded from Bottom and Left
                       iettShreddedFromBottomAndRight,             // Shredded from Bottom and Right
                       iettShreddedFromHorizonAndLeft,             // Shredded from Horizon and Left
                       iettShreddedFromHorizonAndRight,            // Shredded from Horizon and Right
                       iettShreddedFromTopAndVerticalCenter,       // Shredded from Top and Vertical Center
                       iettShreddedFromBottomAndVerticalCenter,    // Shredded from Bottom and Vertical Center
                       iettShreddedFromCenter,                     // Shredded from Center
                       iettShreddedToCenter,                       // Shredded to Center
                       iettShreddedInToHorizon,                    // Shredded in to Horizon
                       iettShreddedInToVerticalCenter,             // Shredded in to Vertical Center
                       iettShreddedOutFromHorizon,                 // Shredded out from Horizon
                       iettShreddedOutFromVerticalCenter,          // Shredded out from Vertical Center
                       iettExpandingRectangles,                    // Expanding Rectangles
                       iettExpandingTriangles,                     // Expanding Triangles
                       iettExpandingCircles,                       // Expanding Circles
                       iettExpandingDiamonds,                      // Expanding Diamonds
                       iettCircularWipeFromCenter,                 // Circular Wipe from Center
                       iettCircularWipeToCenter,                   // Circular Wipe to Center
                       iettCrisscrossWipeFromTopLeft,              // Crisscross Wipe from Top Left
                       iettCrisscrossWipeFromTopRight,             // Crisscross Wipe from Top Right
                       iettCrisscrossWipeFromBottomLeft,           // Crisscross Wipe from Bottom Left
                       iettCrisscrossWipeFromBottomRight,          // Crisscross Wipe from Bottom Right
                       iettCrisscrossWipeBounceFromTopLeft,        // Crisscross Wipe Bounce from Top Left
                       iettCrisscrossWipeBounceFromTopRight,       // Crisscross Wipe Bounce from Top Right
                       iettCrisscrossWipeBounceFromBottomLeft,     // Crisscross Wipe Bounce from Bottom Left
                       iettCrisscrossWipeBounceFromBottomRight,    // Crisscross Wipe Bounce from Bottom Right
                       iettCrisscrossWipeFromLeftRightAndTop,      // Crisscross Wipe from Left Right and Top
                       iettCrisscrossWipeFromLeftRightAndBottom,   // Crisscross Wipe from Left Right and Bottom
                       iettCrisscrossWipeFromLeftTopAndBottom,     // Crisscross Wipe from Left Top and Bottom
                       iettCrisscrossWipeFromTopLeftRightAndBottom,// Crisscross Wipe from Top Left Right and Bottom
                       iettCrisscrossWipeFromRightTopAndBottom,    // Crisscross Wipe from Right Top and Bottom
                       iettCrisscrossWipeFromBottomLeftTopRight,   // Crisscross Wipe from Bottom Left Top Right
                       iettWipeDiagonalFromTopLeft,                // Wipe diagonal from Top Left
                       iettWipeDiagonalFromTopRight,               // Wipe diagonal from Top Right
                       iettWipeDiagonalFromBottomLeft,             // Wipe diagonal from Bottom Left
                       iettWipeDiagonalFromBottomRight,            // Wipe diagonal from Bottom Right
                       iettDiagonalSweepClockwise,                 // Diagonal Sweep Clockwise
                       iettDiagonalSweepCounterClockwise,          // Diagonal Sweep Counter-Clockwise
                       iettSweepClockwise,                         // Half Sweep Clockwise
                       iettSweepCounterClockwise,                  // Half Sweep Counter-Clockwise
                       iettStarburstClockwiseFromCenter,           // Starburst Clockwise from Center
                       iettStarburstCounterClockwiseFromCenter,    // Starburst Clockwise from Center
                       iettRotationalRectangle,                    // Rotational Rectangle - Clockwise
                       iettRotationalRectangleCounterClockwise,    // Rotational Rectangle - Counter Clockwise
                       iettRotationalStar,                         // Rotational Star - Clockwise
                       iettRotationalStarCounterClockwise,         // Rotational Star - Counter Clockwise
                       iettSpeckledWipeFromLeft,                   // Speckled Wipe from Left
                       iettSpeckledWipeFromRight,                  // Speckled Wipe from Right
                       iettSpeckledWipeFromTop,                    // Speckled Wipe from Top
                       iettSpeckledWipeFromBottom,                 // Speckled Wipe from Bottom
                       iettPushLeftAndSlideOut,                    // Push Left and Slide out
                       iettPushRightAndSlideOut,                   // Push Right and Slide out
                       iettPushUpAndSlideOut,                      // Push up and Slide out
                       iettPushDownAndSlideOut,                    // Push down and Slide out
                       iettPushAndSqueezeLeft,                     // Push and Squeeze Left
                       iettPushAndSqueezeRight,                    // Push and Squeeze Right
                       iettPushAndSqueezeUp,                       // Push and Squeeze up
                       iettPushAndSqueezeDown,                     // Push and Squeeze down
                       iettHorizontalBlinds,                       // Horizontal Blinds
                       iettVerticalBlinds,                         // Vertical Blinds
                       iettUnevenBlindsFromLeft,                   // Uneven Blinds from Left
                       iettUnevenBlindsFromRight,                  // Uneven Blinds from Right
                       iettUnevenBlindsFromTop,                    // Uneven Blinds from Top
                       iettUnevenBlindsFromBottom,                 // Uneven Blinds from Bottom
                       iettRectanglesFromTheLeft,                  // Random Bars from the Left
                       iettRectanglesFromTheRight,                 // Random Bars from the Right
                       iettRectanglesFromTheTop,                   // Random Bars from the Top
                       iettRectanglesFromTheBottom,                // Random Bars from the Bottom
                       iettSpirallingRectangleClockwise,           // Spiralling Rectangle Clockwise
                       iettSpirallingRectangleCounterClockwise,    // Spiralling Rectangle Counter-Clockwise
                       iettArrowWipeFromLeft,                      // Arrow Wipe from Left
                       iettArrowWipeFromRight,                     // Arrow Wipe from Right
                       iettArrowWipeFromTop,                       // Arrow Wipe from Top
                       iettArrowWipeFromBottom,                    // Arrow Wipe from Bottom
                       iettHorizontalBowTieWipe,                   // Horizontal Bow Tie Wipe
                       iettVerticalBowTieWipe,                     // Vertical Bow Tie Wipe
                       iettDiagonalCrossFromCenter,                // Diagonal Cross from Center
                       iettDiagonalCrossToCenter,                  // Diagonal Cross to Center
                       iettZigzagWipeFromHorizon,                  // Zigzag Wipe from Horizon
                       iettZigzagWipeFromVerticalCenter,           // Zigzag Wipe from Vertical Center
                       iettDiamondWipeFromCenter,                  // Diamond Wipe from Center
                       iettDiamondWipeToCenter,                    // Diamond Wipe to Center
                       iettDiagonalBoxWipe,                        // Diagonal Box Wipe
                       iettTriangularWipe,                         // Rotational Triangular Wipe
                       iettRandomBigBoxes,                         // Random Big Boxes
                       iettPageFlip,                               // Page Flip
                       iettPageFlip2,                              // Page Flip 2
                       iettReversePageFlip,                        // Page Flip
                       iettReversePageFlip2,                       // Page Flip 2
                       iettZigzagWipeToHorizon,                    // Zigzag Wipe To Horizon
                       iettZigzagWipeToVerticalCenter,             // Zigzag Wipe To Vertical Center
                       iettRandomHearts,                           // Random Hearts
                       iettRandomStar5s,                           // Random 5 Pointed Stars
                       iettRandomStar6s,                           // Random 6 Pointed Stars
                       iettRandomExplosions,                       // Random Explosions
                       iettExpandingHearts,                        // Expanding Hearts
                       iettExpandingStar5,                         // Expanding 5 Pointed Stars
                       iettExpandingStar6,                         // Expanding 6 Pointed Stars
                       iettExpandingExplosions,                    // Expanding Explosions
                       iettExpandingLightningBolts,                // Expanding Lightning Bolts
                       iettHeartWipeOut,                           // Heart Wipe from Center
                       iettHeartWipeIn,                            // Heart Wipe to Center
                       iettStar5WipeOut,                           // 5 Pointed Star Wipe from Center
                       iettStar5WipeIn,                            // 5 Pointed Star Wipe to Center
                       iettStar6WipeOut,                           // 6 Pointed Star Wipe from Center
                       iettStar6WipeIn,                            // 6 Pointed Star Wipe to Center
                       iettExplosionWipeOut,                       // Explosion Wipe from Center
                       iettExplosionWipeIn,                        // Explosion Wipe to Center
                       iettCrossWipeOut,                           // Cross Wipe from Center
                       iettCrossWipeIn,                            // Cross Wipe to Center
                       iettHeartWipeInAndOut,                      // Heart Wipe In and Out
                       iettStar5WipeInAndOut,                      // 5 Pointed Star Wipe In and Out
                       iettStar6WipeInAndOut,                      // 6 Pointed Star Wipe In and Out
                       iettExplosionWipeInAndOut,                  // Explosion Wipe In and Out
                       iettCubeRotateFromLeft,                     // Cube Rotate from Left
                       iettCubeRotateFromRight,                    // Cube Rotate from Right
                       iettCubeRotateFromTop,                      // Cube Rotate from Top
                       iettCubeRotateFromBottom,                   // Cube Rotate from Bottom
                       iettSoftWipeFromLeft,                       // Soft Wipe from Left
                       iettSoftWipeFromRight,                      // Soft Wipe from Right
                       iettSoftWipeFromTop,                        // Soft Wipe from Top
                       iettSoftWipeFromBottom,                     // Soft Wipe from Bottom
                       iettAngledTwistIn,                          // Twist In
                       iettAngledTwistOut,                         // Twist Out
                       iettMultipleAngledTwistIn,                  // Multiple Twist In
                       iettMultipleAngledTwistOut,                 // Multiple Twist Out
                       iettRandomPuzzlePieces,                     // Random Puzzle Pieces
                       iettPacmanFromLeft   ,                      // Pacman Devours from Left
                       iettPacmanFromRight  ,                      // Pacman Devours from Right
                       iettPacman3Row       ,                      // Pacman Devours Three Rows
                       iettPacman4Row       ,                      // Pacman Devours Four Rows
                       iettPacman2SimRow    ,                      // Two Simultaneous Rows of Pacman
                       iettPacman4SimRow    ,                      // Four Simultaneous Rows of Pacman
                       iettPacman6SimRow    ,                      // Six Simultaneous Rows of Pacman
                       iettFullSweepClockwise,                     // Full Sweep Clockwise
                       iettExpandingSweepClockwise,                // Expanding Sweep Clockwise
                       iettCubeRotateFromLeft2,                    // 3D Cube Rotate from Left
                       iettCubeRotateFromRight2,                   // 3D Cube Rotate from Right
                       iettCubeRotateFromTop2,                     // 3D Cube Rotate from Top
                       iettCubeRotateFromBottom2,                  // 3D Cube Rotate from Bottom
                       iettRandomBoxesWithWord,                    // Random Boxes with Word
                       iettRandomWord,                             // Random Letters of Word
                       iettExpandingWord,                          // Expanding Letters of Word
                       iettWordWipeOut,                            // Word Wipe from Center
                       iettWordWipeIn,                             // Word Wipe to Center
                       iettWordWipeInAndOut,                       // Word Wipe In and Out
                       iettWordHalfSweep,                          // Half Sweep with Word
                       iettWordFullSweep,                          // Full Sweep with Word
                       iettWordFullExpandingSweep                  // Expanding Sweep with Word

                       ,iettPanZoom                                // Pan-Zoom Effects


The effects that ImageEn offers that allow you to smoothly transition from one image to another.

The style of many transition effects can be modified using AlternativeStyle
The shape can be modified for the following effects: iettRandomStar6s, iettExpandingStar6, iettStar6WipeIn, iettStar6WipeOut, iettStar6WipeInAndOut
iettPanZoom is a special effect that does not transition to another image, but rather zooms in/out or pans to a position within the current image.




Category Image Transition Description Notes
General iettCrossDissolve Cross Fade  
  iettFadeOutIn Fade Out then In  
  iettPageFlip Page Flip  
  iettPageFlip2 3D Page Flip May be CPU intensive
  iettReversePageFlip Reverse Page Flip  
  iettReversePageFlip2 3D Reverse Page Flip May be CPU intensive
  iettCubeRotateFromLeft Cube Rotate from Left  
  iettCubeRotateFromRight Cube Rotate from Right  
  iettCubeRotateFromTop Cube Rotate from Top  
  iettCubeRotateFromBottom Cube Rotate from Bottom  
  iettCubeRotateFromLeft2 3D Cube Rotate from Left May be CPU intensive
  iettCubeRotateFromRight2 3D Cube Rotate from Right May be CPU intensive
  iettCubeRotateFromTop2 3D Cube Rotate from Top May be CPU intensive
  iettCubeRotateFromBottom2 3D Cube Rotate from Bottom May be CPU intensive
Wipes iettLeftRight Wipe Left to Right  
  iettRightLeft Wipe Right to Left  
  iettUpDown Wipe Top to Bottom  
  iettDownUp Wipe Bottom to Top  
  iettCenter1 Wipe Out from Center  
  iettCenter2 Wipe In to Center  
  iettWipeFromTopLeft Wipe from Top Left  
  iettWipeFromTopRight Wipe from Top Right  
  iettWipeFromBottomLeft Wipe from Bottom Left  
  iettWipeFromBottomRight Wipe from Bottom Right  
  iettWipeInFromTopAndBottom Wipe in from Top and Bottom  
  iettWipeFromHorizon Wipe from Horizon  
  iettWipeInFromSides Wipe in from Sides  
  iettWipeOutFromVerticalCenter Wipe out from Vertical Center  
  iettQuartersWipeInToCenter Quarters Wipe in to Center  
Special Wipes iettUnrollFromLeft Unroll from Left  
  iettUnrollFromRight Unroll from Right  
  iettUnrollFromTop Unroll from Top  
  iettUnrollFromBottom Unroll from Bottom  
  iettSpeckledWipeFromLeft Speckled Wipe from Left  
  iettSpeckledWipeFromRight Speckled Wipe from Right  
  iettSpeckledWipeFromTop Speckled Wipe from Top  
  iettSpeckledWipeFromBottom Speckled Wipe from Bottom  
  iettSoftWipeFromLeft Soft Wipe from Left  
  iettSoftWipeFromRight Soft Wipe from Right  
  iettSoftWipeFromTop Soft Wipe from Top  
  iettSoftWipeFromBottom Soft Wipe from Bottom  
  iettPacmanFromLeft Pacman Devours from Left  
  iettPacmanFromRight Pacman Devours from Right  
  iettPacman3Row Pacman Devours Three Rows  
  iettPacman4Row Pacman Devours Four Rows  
  iettPacman2SimRow Two Simultaneous Rows of Pacman  
  iettPacman4SimRow Four Simultaneous Rows of Pacman  
  iettPacman6SimRow Six Simultaneous Rows of Pacman  
Curved Wipes iettCurvedWipeFromLeft Curved Wipe from Left  
  iettCurvedWipeFromRight Curved Wipe from Right  
  iettCurvedWipeFromTop Curved Wipe from Top  
  iettCurvedWipeFromBottom Curved Wipe from Bottom  
  iettCurvedWipeFromTopLeft Curved Wipe from Top Left  
  iettCurvedWipeFromTopRight Curved Wipe from Top Right  
  iettCurvedWipeFromBottomLeft Curved Wipe from Bottom Left  
  iettCurvedWipeFromBottomRight Curved Wipe from Bottom Right  
Angled Wipes iettWipeDiagonalFromTopLeft Wipe diagonal from Top Left  
  iettWipeDiagonalFromTopRight Wipe diagonal from Top Right  
  iettWipeDiagonalFromBottomLeft Wipe diagonal from Bottom Left  
  iettWipeDiagonalFromBottomRight Wipe diagonal from Bottom Right  
  iettArrowWipeFromLeft Arrow Wipe from Left  
  iettArrowWipeFromRight Arrow Wipe from Right  
  iettArrowWipeFromTop Arrow Wipe from Top  
  iettArrowWipeFromBottom Arrow Wipe from Bottom  
  iettHorizontalBowTieWipe Horizontal Bow Tie Wipe  
  iettVerticalBowTieWipe Vertical Bow Tie Wipe  
  iettZigzagWipeFromHorizon Zigzag Wipe from Horizon  
  iettZigzagWipeFromVerticalCenter Zigzag Wipe from Vertical Center  
  iettTriangularWipe Triangular Wipe  
  iettZigzagLeftRight Zigzag Wipe Left to Right  
  iettZigzagRightLeft Zigzag Wipe Right to Left  
  iettZigzagUpDown Zigzag Wipe Top to Bottom  
  iettZigzagDownUp Zigzag Wipe Bottom to Top  
  iettZigzagWipeToHorizon Zigzag Wipe To Horizon  
  iettZigzagWipeToVerticalCenter Zigzag Wipe To Vertical Center  
  iettAngledTwistIn Twist In  
  iettAngledTwistOut Twist Out  
  iettMultipleAngledTwistIn Multiple Twist In  
  iettMultipleAngledTwistOut Multiple Twist Out  
Center Wipes iettCircularWipeFromCenter Circular Wipe from Center  
  iettCircularWipeToCenter Circular Wipe to Center  
  iettDiagonalCrossFromCenter Diagonal Cross from Center  
  iettDiagonalCrossToCenter Diagonal Cross to Center  
  iettDiamondWipeFromCenter Diamond Wipe from Center  
  iettDiamondWipeToCenter Diamond Wipe to Center  
  iettHeartWipeOut Heart Wipe from Center  
  iettHeartWipeIn Heart Wipe to Center  
  iettStar5WipeOut 5 Pointed Star Wipe from Center  
  iettStar5WipeIn 5 Pointed Star Wipe to Center  
  iettStar6WipeOut 6 Pointed Star Wipe from Center (or alternative shape)  
  iettStar6WipeIn 6 Pointed Star Wipe to Center (or alternative shape)  
  iettExplosionWipeOut Explosion Wipe from Center  
  iettExplosionWipeIn Explosion Wipe to Center  
  iettCrossWipeOut Cross Wipe from Center  
  iettCrossWipeIn Cross Wipe to Center  
In and Outs iettDiagonalBoxWipe Diamond Wipe In and Out  
  iettHeartWipeInAndOut Heart Wipe In and Out  
  iettStar5WipeInAndOut 5 Pointed Star Wipe In and Out  
  iettStar6WipeInAndOut 6 Pointed Star Wipe In and Out (or alternative shape)  
  iettExplosionWipeInAndOut Explosion Wipe In and Out  
Shreds iettShreddedFromLeft Shredded from Left  
  iettShreddedFromRight Shredded from Right  
  iettShreddedFromTop Shredded from Top  
  iettShreddedFromBottom Shredded from Bottom  
  iettShreddedFromTopAndLeft Shredded from Top and Left  
  iettShreddedFromTopAndRight Shredded from Top and Right  
  iettShreddedFromBottomAndLeft Shredded from Bottom and Left  
  iettShreddedFromBottomAndRight Shredded from Bottom and Right  
  iettShreddedFromHorizonAndLeft Shredded from Horizon and Left  
  iettShreddedFromHorizonAndRight Shredded from Horizon and Right  
  iettShreddedFromTopAndVerticalCenter Shredded from Top and Vertical Center  
  iettShreddedFromBottomAndVerticalCenter Shredded from Bottom and Vertical Center  
  iettShreddedFromCenter Shredded from Center  
  iettShreddedToCenter Shredded to Center  
  iettShreddedInToHorizon Shredded in to Horizon  
  iettShreddedInToVerticalCenter Shredded in to Vertical Center  
  iettShreddedOutFromHorizon Shredded out from Horizon  
  iettShreddedOutFromVerticalCenter Shredded out from Vertical Center  
Bars iettBarsInFromLeft Bars in from Left  
  iettBarsInFromRight Bars in from Right  
  iettBarsFromTop Bars from Top  
  iettBarsFromBottom Bars from Bottom  
  iettBarsLeftThenRight Bars Left then Right  
  iettBarsRightThenLeft Bars Right then Left  
  iettBarsTopThenBottom Bars Top then Bottom  
  iettBarsBottomThenTop Bars Bottom then Top  
  iettBarsFromBothSides Bars from both Sides  
  iettBarsFromTopAndBottom Bars from Top and Bottom  
  iettCrisscrossWipeFromTopLeft Crisscross Wipe from Top Left  
  iettCrisscrossWipeFromTopRight Crisscross Wipe from Top Right  
  iettCrisscrossWipeFromBottomLeft Crisscross Wipe from Bottom Left  
  iettCrisscrossWipeFromBottomRight Crisscross Wipe from Bottom Right  
  iettCrisscrossWipeBounceFromTopLeft Crisscross Wipe Bounce from Top Left  
  iettCrisscrossWipeBounceFromTopRight Crisscross Wipe Bounce from Top Right  
  iettCrisscrossWipeBounceFromBottomLeft Crisscross Wipe Bounce from Bottom Left  
  iettCrisscrossWipeBounceFromBottomRight Crisscross Wipe Bounce from Bottom Right  
  iettCrisscrossWipeFromLeftRightAndTop Crisscross Wipe from Left Right and Top  
  iettCrisscrossWipeFromLeftRightAndBottom Crisscross Wipe from Left Right and Bottom  
  iettCrisscrossWipeFromLeftTopAndBottom Crisscross Wipe from Left Top and Bottom  
  iettCrisscrossWipeFromTopLeftRightAndBottom Crisscross Wipe from Top Left Right and Bottom  
  iettCrisscrossWipeFromRightTopAndBottom Crisscross Wipe from Right Top and Bottom  
  iettCrisscrossWipeFromBottomLeftTopRight Crisscross Wipe from Bottom Left Top Right  
  iettRectanglesFromTheLeft Random Bars from the Left  
  iettRectanglesFromTheRight Random Bars from the Right  
  iettRectanglesFromTheTop Random Bars from the Top  
  iettRectanglesFromTheBottom Random Bars from the Bottom  
Pushes iettMoveLeftRight1 Push Left to Right  
  iettMoveRightLeft1 Push Right to Left  
  iettMoveUpDown1 Push Top to Bottom  
  iettMoveDownUp1 Push Bottom to Top  
  iettPushLeftAndSlideOut Push Left and Slide out  
  iettPushRightAndSlideOut Push Right and Slide out  
  iettPushUpAndSlideOut Push up and Slide out  
  iettPushDownAndSlideOut Push down and Slide out  
  iettPushAndSqueezeLeft Push and Squeeze Left  
  iettPushAndSqueezeRight Push and Squeeze Right  
  iettPushAndSqueezeUp Push and Squeeze up  
  iettPushAndSqueezeDown Push and Squeeze down  
Slides iettFromUpLeft Slide from Top Left  
  iettFromUpRight Slide from Top Right  
  iettFromBottomLeft Slide from Bottom Left  
  iettFromBottomRight Slide from Bottom Right  
  iettMoveLeftRight2 Slide Out Left to Right  
  iettMoveRightLeft2 Slide Out Right to Left  
  iettMoveUpDown2 Slide Out Top to Bottom  
  iettMoveDownUp2 Slide Out Bottom to Top  
  iettSlideInFromLeft Slide in from Left  
  iettSlideInFromRight Slide in from Right  
  iettSlideInFromTop Slide in from Top  
  iettSlideInFromBottom Slide in from Bottom  
  iettQuartersSlideInToCenter Quarters Slide in to Center  
Shrinks iettShrinkToTopLeft Shrink to Top Left  
  iettShrinkToTopRight Shrink to Top Right  
  iettShrinkToBottomLeft Shrink to Bottom Left  
  iettShrinkToBottomRight Shrink to Bottom Right  
  iettShrinkToCenter Shrink to Center  
Expands iettCenterZoom1 Expand Out from Center  
  iettCenterZoom2 Expand In to Center  
  iettExpandFromLeft Expand from Left  
  iettExpandFromRight Expand from Right  
  iettExpandFromTop Expand from Top  
  iettExpandFromBottom Expand from Bottom  
  iettExpandFromTopLeft Expand from Top Left  
  iettExpandFromTopRight Expand from Top Right  
  iettExpandFromBottomLeft Expand from Bottom Left  
  iettExpandFromBottomRight Expand from Bottom Right  
  iettExpandInFromLeft Expand in from Left  
  iettExpandInFromRight Expand in from Right  
  iettExpandInFromTop Expand in from Top  
  iettExpandInFromBottom Expand in from Bottom  
  iettExpandInToVerticalCenter Expand in to Vertical Center  
  iettExpandInToHorizon Expand in to Horizon  
  iettExpandInFromSides Expand in from Sides  
  iettExpandInFromTopAndBottom Expand in from Top and Bottom  
  iettExpandOutFromHorizon Expand out from Horizon  
  iettExpandOutFromVerticalCenter Expand out from Vertical Center  
  iettQuartersExpandToCenter Quarters Expand to Center  
Multi-Expanders iettExpandingRectangles Expanding Rectangles  
  iettExpandingTriangles Expanding Triangles  
  iettExpandingCircles Expanding Circles  
  iettExpandingDiamonds Expanding Diamonds  
  iettExpandingHearts Expanding Hearts  
  iettExpandingStar5 Expanding 5 Pointed Stars  
  iettExpandingStar6 Expanding 6 Pointed Stars (or alternative shape)  
  iettExpandingExplosions Expanding Explosions  
  iettExpandingLightningBolts Expanding Lightning Bolts  
Randoms iettRandomPoints Random Points  
  iettRandomBoxes Random Boxes  
  iettRandomBigBoxes Random Big Boxes  
  iettRandomHearts Random Hearts  
  iettRandomStar5s Random 5 Pointed Stars  
  iettRandomStar6s Random 6 Pointed Stars (or alternative shape)  
  iettRandomExplosions Random Explosions  
  iettRandomPuzzlePieces Random Puzzle Pieces  
Rotates iettDiagonalSweepClockwise Diagonal Sweep Clockwise  
  iettDiagonalSweepCounterClockwise Diagonal Sweep Counter-Clockwise  
  iettSweepClockwise Sweep Clockwise  
  iettSweepCounterClockwise Sweep Counter-Clockwise  
  iettFullSweepClockwise Full Sweep Clockwise  
  iettExpandingSweepClockwise Expanding Sweep Clockwise  
  iettStarburstClockwiseFromCenter Starburst Clockwise  
  iettStarburstCounterClockwiseFromCenter Starburst Counter-Clockwise  
  iettRotationalRectangle Rotational Rectangle Clockwise  
  iettRotationalRectangleCounterClockwise Rotational Rectangle Counter-Clockwise  
  iettRotationalStar Rotational Star Clockwise  
  iettRotationalStarCounterClockwise Rotational Star Counter-Clockwise  
  iettSpirallingRectangleClockwise Spiralling Rectangle Clockwise  
  iettSpirallingRectangleCounterClockwise Spiralling Rectangle Counter-Clockwise  
Word Effects iettRandomBoxesWithWord Random Boxes with Word Configure with Word Transition Properties.
Full word always shown; does not cycle
  iettRandomWord Random Letters of Word Configure with Word Transition Properties
  iettExpandingWord Expanding Letters of Word Configure with Word Transition Properties
  iettWordWipeOut Word Wipe from Center Configure with Word Transition Properties
  iettWordWipeIn Word Wipe to Center Configure with Word Transition Properties
  iettWordWipeInAndOut Word Wipe In and Out Configure with Word Transition Properties
  iettWordHalfSweep Half Sweep with Word Configure with Word Transition Properties
  iettWordFullSweep Full Sweep with Word Configure with Word Transition Properties
  iettWordFullExpandingSweep Expanding Sweep with Word Configure with Word Transition Properties
Other iettBuildUpFromLeft Build up from Left  
  iettBuildUpFromRight Build up from Right  
  iettBuildUpFromTop Build up from Top  
  iettBuildUpFromBottom Build up from Bottom  
  iettHorizontalBlinds Horizontal Blinds  
  iettVerticalBlinds Vertical Blinds  
  iettUnevenBlindsFromLeft Uneven Blinds from Left  
  iettUnevenBlindsFromRight Uneven Blinds from Right  
  iettUnevenBlindsFromTop Uneven Blinds from Top  
  iettUnevenBlindsFromBottom Uneven Blinds from Bottom  
Legacy iettFadeOut Fade Out  
  iettFadeIn Fade In  
Special iettPanZoom Pan and Zoom Special usage: Must specify Start and End points


Demo  Demos\Display\Transitions\Transitions.dpr
Demo  Demos\Display\PanZoomEffects\PanZoomEffects.dpr


// Enable a random transition effect each time an image is loaded
procedure TForm1.ImageEnView1IONotify(Sender: TObject; Event: TIEIOWorkType);
  if Event = ieftBeforeLoad then
    if chkShowTransition.Checked then
      ImageEnView1.TransitionEffect := TIETransitionType( 1 + Random( ord( High( TIETransitionType )) - 2 ))  // Random transition
      ImageEnView1.TransitionEffect := iettNone;