ImageEn, unit ietwain




function IsCapabilitySupported(cap: word): boolean;


Returns true if the specified capability is supported by the selected device.

The following capabilities can be specified:
Const Description Value (Hex/Decimal)
ACAP_AUDIOFILEFORMAT Specifies the format of an audio file $1201 (4609)
ACAP_XFERMECH Defines the mechanism for advanced capability data transfer $1202 (4610)
CAP_ALARMS Controls the alarm system of the device $1018 (4120)
CAP_ALARMVOLUME Sets the volume level of alarms $1019 (4121)
CAP_AUTHOR Specifies the author information $1000 (4096)
CAP_AUTOFEED Enables or disables automatic feeding of documents into the scanner $1007 (4103)
CAP_AUTOMATICCAPTURE Controls the automatic image capture mode for unattended operation $101A (4122)
CAP_AUTOMATICSENSEMEDIUM Automatically detects the type of medium being scanned, such as photos or documents $103B (4155)
CAP_AUTOSCAN Initiates scanning automatically when documents are loaded into the feeder $1010 (4112)
CAP_BATTERYMINUTES Displays the remaining battery life in minutes $1022 (4146)
CAP_BATTERYPERCENTAGE Shows the remaining battery life as a percentage $1023 (4147)
CAP_CAMERAENABLED Enables or disables the camera on devices with an integrated camera $1026 (4150)
CAP_CAMERAORDER Sets the order in which multiple cameras are used on a device $1027 (4151)
CAP_CAMERAPREVIEWUI Displays a preview of the image to be captured through the camera interface $1011 (4129)
CAP_CAMERASIDE Specifies the side (left, right, etc.) on which the camera is positioned $1034 (4148)
CAP_CAPTION Adds a caption or annotation to the scanned document $1001 (4097)
CAP_CLEARBUFFERS Clears the memory buffers used for storing scanned data $1015 (4125)
CAP_CLEARPAGE Clears the current page being processed from memory $1008 (4104)
CAP_CUSTOMBASE Base value for custom capabilities defined by the device manufacturer $8000 (32768)
CAP_CUSTOMDSDATA Allows devices to use and transmit custom data settings $1016 (4117)
CAP_CUSTOMINTERFACEGUID A unique identifier for a custom device interface $103C (4156)
CAP_DEVICEEVENT Monitors events related to the connected device (e.g. paper jam, cover open) $1012 (4130)
CAP_DEVICEONLINE Checks whether the device is online $1010 (4111)
CAP_DEVICETIMEDATE Retrieves or sets the device's current date and time $101B (4127)
CAP_DOUBLEFEEDDETECTION Enables the detection of multiple sheets being fed simultaneously during scanning $103D (4157)
CAP_DOUBLEFEEDDETECTIONLENGTH Defines the acceptable length tolerance for detecting double feeds $103E (4158)
CAP_DOUBLEFEEDDETECTIONRESPONSE Specifies the response when a double feed is detected, such as stopping the scan $103F (4159)
CAP_DOUBLEFEEDDETECTIONSENSITIVITY Adjusts the sensitivity of double-feed detection $1040 (4160)
CAP_DUPLEX Enables or disables duplex scanning (scanning both sides of a page) $1012 (4114)
CAP_DUPLEXENABLED Checks if duplex scanning is enabled $1013 (4115)
CAP_ENABLEDSUIONLY Enables or disables the device's user interface $1014 (4116)
CAP_ENDORSER Controls the addition of an endorsement (stamp or mark) to the scanned document $1018 (4118)
CAP_EXTENDEDCAPS Activates extended or additional capabilities of the scanner $1006 (4102)
CAP_FEEDERALIGNMENT Defines the alignment of the document feeder $102D (4141)
CAP_FEEDERENABLED Enables the use of the automatic document feeder (ADF) $1002 (4098)
CAP_FEEDERLOADED Detects if the document feeder is loaded with pages $1003 (4099)
CAP_FEEDERORDER Specifies the order in which documents are fed from the feeder $103A (4142)
CAP_FEEDERPOCKET Defines the pocket in which fed documents are placed $103E (4154)
CAP_FEEDERPREP Prepares the feeder for the next set of documents to be scanned $1039 (4153)
CAP_FEEDPAGE Feeds the next page from the document feeder $1009 (4105)
CAP_FILESYSTEM Provides access to the scanner's file system for managing storage $1015 (4133)
CAP_INDICATORS Controls the status indicators on the scanner (LEDs etc.) $100B (4107)
CAP_INDICATORSMODE Enables or disables visual/audio indicators during scanning $1041 (4161)
CAP_JOBCONTROL Manages multiple job control settings for scanning operations $1017 (4119)
CAP_LANGUAGE Selects the display language of the scanner's interface $1005 (4101)
CAP_MAXBATCHBUFFERS Sets the maximum number of batch buffers available $101C (4126)
CAP_MICRENABLED Enables the Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR) feature $1042 (4162)
CAP_PAGEMULTIPLEACQUIRE Acquire multiple pages in a single operation, often used with Automatic Document Feeders (ADF) $1023 (4131)
CAP_PAPERBINDING Specifies the type of paper binding or orientation used (e.g. booklet, fan-fold) $103F (4143)
CAP_PAPERDETECTABLE Indicates if the scanner is capable of detecting the presence of paper in the feeder $100D (4109)
CAP_PAPERHANDLING Defines how the scanner handles paper feeding and stacking options $1042 (4162)
CAP_PASSTHRU Allows data to be passed through the scanner to another application without processing $1041 (4145)
CAP_POWERSAVETIME Time (in seconds) before the scanner enters power-saving mode when idle $1043 (4163)
CAP_POWERSUPPLY Specifies the power supply source or type for the scanner (e.g. battery, AC) $1020 (4128)
CAP_PRINTER Indicates if the scanner has an integrated printer $1026 (4134)
CAP_PRINTERCHARROTATION Controls the rotation of characters printed on documents, ensuring correct orientation $1044 (4164)
CAP_PRINTERENABLED Enables or disables the printer feature within the scanner $1027 (4135)
CAP_PRINTERFONTSTYLE Sets the font style (bold, italic, etc.) for characters printed by the scanner $1045 (4165)
CAP_PRINTERINDEX Specifies the index value for the scanner’s printer, often used for sequential labeling $1028 (4136)
CAP_PRINTERINDEXLEADCHAR Defines a leading character for indexing, useful in creating barcode labels or sequential identifiers $1046 (4166)
CAP_PRINTERINDEXMAXVALUE The maximum value the printer’s index can reach before resetting $1047 (4167)
CAP_PRINTERINDEXNUMDIGITS Specifies how many digits are used in the printer's index (e.g. 0001 to 9999) $1048 (4168)
CAP_PRINTERINDEXSTEP Defines the increment step for the printer's index value (e.g. increase by 1, 2, etc.) $1049 (4169)
CAP_PRINTERINDEXTRIGGER Specifies the event or condition that triggers an index increment, such as scanning a new page $104A (4170)
CAP_PRINTERMODE Defines the mode of the scanner's printer (e.g. text, image printing) $1029 (4137)
CAP_PRINTERSTRING The string of text that will be printed on the scanned document $102A (4138)
CAP_PRINTERSTRINGPREVIEW Provides a preview of the text string before it is printed on the document $104B (4171)
CAP_PRINTERSUFFIX Suffix appended to printed strings for labeling or indexing purposes $102B (4139)
CAP_PRINTERVERTICALOFFSET Adjusts the vertical positioning of printed text or images on the document $104C (4172)
CAP_REACQUIREALLOWED Indicates whether reacquiring a document is allowed without rescanning it $1040 (4144)
CAP_REWINDPAGE Allows the scanner to rewind the page to rescan or realign it $100A (4106)
CAP_SEGMENTED Allows the scanner to process documents in segmented sections $1045 (4149)
CAP_SERIALNUMBER Retrieves the scanner's unique serial number for identification $1023 (4132)
CAP_SUPPORTEDCAPS Lists all the capabilities supported by the scanner $1005 (4101)
CAP_SUPPORTEDCAPSEXT Lists the extended capabilities supported by the scanner beyond the standard set $100C (4108)
CAP_SUPPORTEDCAPSSEGMENTUNIQUE Specifies capabilities that are unique to segmented parts of the document $104D (4173)
CAP_SUPPORTEDDATS Lists the data sources (DATS) the scanner can use or interface with $104E (4174)
CAP_THUMBNAILSENABLED Enables the creation of thumbnail previews for scanned images $1009 (4113)
CAP_TIMEBEFOREFIRSTCAPTURE Time delay before the scanner begins capturing the first image $1017 (4123)
CAP_TIMEBETWEENCAPTURES Time delay between capturing consecutive images or pages $1018 (4124)
CAP_TIMEDATE Retrieves the scanner’s internal time and date settings $1000 (4100)
CAP_UICONTROLLABLE Indicates whether the user interface (UI) can be controlled programmatically $100E (4110)
CAP_XFERCOUNT Defines the number of images to transfer in one batch operation $0001 (1)
ICAP_AUTOBRIGHT Automatically adjusts the brightness of the scanned image $1100 (4352)
ICAP_AUTODISCARDBLANKPAGES Automatically discards blank pages during scanning $1134 (4404)
ICAP_AUTOMATICBORDERDETECTION Detects and adjusts for document borders automatically during scanning $1150 (4432)
ICAP_AUTOMATICCOLORENABLED Enables automatic detection of color or black-and-white content in the scanned document $1159 (4441)
ICAP_AUTOMATICCOLORNONCOLORPIXELTYPE Automatically detects pixel types for color and non-color regions in the image $115A (4442)
ICAP_AUTOMATICCROPUSESFRAME Automatically crops the image based on a predefined frame or boundary $115B (4443)
ICAP_AUTOMATICDESKEW Automatically corrects skewed images $1151 (4433)
ICAP_AUTOMATICLENGTHDETECTION Automatically detects the length of the document being scanned $115C (4444)
ICAP_AUTOMATICROTATE Automatically rotates the scanned image based on content or orientation $1152 (4434)
ICAP_AUTOSIZE Automatically adjusts the size of the scanned image $1156 (4438)
ICAP_BARCODEDETECTIONENABLED Enables barcode detection on scanned documents $1137 (4407)
ICAP_BARCODEMAXRETRIES Maximum number of retries for barcode detection $113C (4412)
ICAP_BARCODEMAXSEARCHPRIORITIES Specifies the maximum number of search priorities for barcode detection $1139 (4409)
ICAP_BARCODESEARCHMODE Defines the search mode for barcode detection (e.g. fast, thorough) $113B (4411)
ICAP_BARCODESEARCHPRIORITIES Specifies search priorities for barcode detection, determining the order or importance of searches $113A (4410)
ICAP_BARCODETIMEOUT Timeout setting for barcode detection in milliseconds $113D (4413)
ICAP_BITDEPTH Defines the bit depth (number of bits per pixel) of the scanned image, affecting color and detail $113B (4395)
ICAP_BITDEPTHREDUCTION Reduces the bit depth of the scanned image $1134 (4396)
ICAP_BITORDER Defines the order in which bits are arranged in a pixel $111C (4380)
ICAP_BITORDERCODES Specifies codes for bit ordering $1126 (4390)
ICAP_BRIGHTNESS Adjusts the brightness of the scanned image $1101 (4353)
ICAP_CCITTKFACTOR Adjusts the CCITT (fax compression) K-factor $111D (4381)
ICAP_COMPRESSION Sets the compression mode for scanned images $0100 (256)
ICAP_CONTRAST Adjusts the contrast of the scanned image $1103 (4355)
ICAP_CUSTHALFTONE Defines a custom halftone pattern for scanning $1104 (4356)
ICAP_EXPOSURETIME Sets the exposure time for image capture $1105 (4357)
ICAP_EXTIMAGEINFO Enables extended image information, such as metadata $1137 (4399)
ICAP_FEEDERTYPE Specifies the type of feeder used for scanning $1154 (4436)
ICAP_FILTER Applies a filter to the scanned image $1106 (4358)
ICAP_FLASHUSED Indicates if the flash was used during scanning $1107 (4359)
ICAP_FLASHUSED2 Alternative flash usage setting $1146 (4422)
ICAP_FLIPROTATION Rotates and flips the image $1136 (4406)
ICAP_FRAMES Defines frames for the scanned image $1114 (4372)
ICAP_GAMMA Adjusts the gamma setting for the image $1108 (4360)
ICAP_HALFTONES Sets the halftone pattern for the scanned image $1109 (4361)
ICAP_HIGHLIGHT Adjusts the highlight level of the scanned image $110A (4362)
ICAP_ICCPROFILE Specifies the ICC profile for color management $1155 (4437)
ICAP_IMAGEDATASET Defines the image data set for scanning $1136 (4398)
ICAP_IMAGEFILEFORMAT Specifies the file format of the scanned image $110C (4364)
ICAP_IMAGEFILTER Applies an image filter during scanning $1147 (4423)
ICAP_IMAGEMERGE Merges multiple images or scanned sections into a single image $115D (4445)
ICAP_IMAGEMERGEHEIGHTTHRESHOLD Sets a height threshold for merging images $115E (4446)
ICAP_JPEGPIXELTYPE Specifies the pixel type for JPEG images $1128 (4392)
ICAP_JPEGQUALITY Defines the quality of JPEG compression $1153 (4435)
ICAP_JPEGSUBSAMPLING Controls the subsampling technique for JPEG compression $115F (4447)
ICAP_LAMPSTATE Specifies the state of the scanner lamp $110D (4365)
ICAP_LIGHTPATH Defines the light path used during scanning $111E (4382)
ICAP_LIGHTSOURCE Sets the light source for image capture $110E (4366)
ICAP_MAXFRAMES Defines the maximum number of frames for multi-frame scanning $111A (4378)
ICAP_MINIMUMHEIGHT Defines the minimum height for scanned images $1138 (4400)
ICAP_MINIMUMWIDTH Defines the minimum width for scanned images $1139 (4401)
ICAP_MIRROR Flips or mirrors the scanned image horizontally $1160 (4448)
ICAP_NOISEFILTER Applies a noise filter during scanning $1148 (4424)
ICAP_ORIENTATION Defines the orientation of the scanned image $1110 (4368)
ICAP_OVERSCAN Enables overscan to capture beyond the image area $1149 (4425)
ICAP_PATCHCODEDETECTIONENABLED Enables patch code detection for document separation $114F (4415)
ICAP_PATCHCODEMAXRETRIES Maximum retries for patch code detection $1154 (4420)
ICAP_PATCHCODEMAXSEARCHPRIORITIES Defines the search priorities for patch code detection $1151 (4417)
ICAP_PATCHCODESEARCHMODE Defines the search mode for patch code detection $1153 (4419)
ICAP_PATCHCODESEARCHPRIORITIES Specifies search priorities for patch code detection $1152 (4418)
ICAP_PATCHCODETIMEOUT Sets timeout for patch code detection $1155 (4421)
ICAP_PHYSICALHEIGHT Defines the physical height of the scanned document $1112 (4370)
ICAP_PHYSICALWIDTH Defines the physical width of the scanned document $1111 (4369)
ICAP_PIXELFLAVOR Defines the pixel flavor (e.g. dark or light pixel) $111F (4383)
ICAP_PIXELFLAVORCODES Specifies the codes for pixel flavor $1127 (4391)
ICAP_PIXELTYPE Defines the type of pixels used for image capture $0101 (257)
ICAP_PLANARCHUNKY Defines the image organization as planar or chunky $1120 (4384)
ICAP_ROTATION Sets the rotation angle for the scanned image $1121 (4385)
ICAP_SHADOW Adjusts the shadow level of the scanned image $1113 (4371)
ICAP_SUPPORTEDBARCODETYPES Lists the barcode types supported by the scanner $1136 (4408)
ICAP_SUPPORTEDEXTIMAGEINFO Lists additional supported image information $1161 (4449)
ICAP_SUPPORTEDPATCHCODETYPES Lists the supported patch code types $1150 (4416)
ICAP_SUPPORTEDSIZES Lists the supported paper sizes $1122 (4386)
ICAP_THRESHOLD Sets the threshold for image processing $1123 (4387)
ICAP_TILES Enables tiling of scanned images $111B (4379)
ICAP_TIMEFILL Fills the image with time information $112A (4394)
ICAP_UNDEFINEDIMAGESIZE Allows undefined image size during scanning $1135 (4397)
ICAP_UNITS Defines the measurement units for image capture $0102 (258)
ICAP_XFERMECH Specifies the data transfer mechanism $0103 (259)
ICAP_XNATIVERESOLUTION Specifies the X-axis native resolution $1116 (4374)
ICAP_XRESOLUTION Sets the X-axis resolution $1118 (4376)
ICAP_XSCALING Sets scaling factor along the X-axis $1124 (4388)
ICAP_YNATIVERESOLUTION Specifies the Y-axis native resolution $1117 (4375)
ICAP_YRESOLUTION Sets the Y-axis resolution $1119 (4377)
ICAP_YSCALING Sets scaling factor along the Y-axis $1125 (4389)
ICAP_ZOOMFACTOR Adjusts the zoom factor for scanning $114E (4414)


if ImageEnMView1.MIO.TwainParams.IsCapabilitySupported( CAP_ALARMVOLUME ) then
  showmessage('CAP_ALARMVOLUME is supported')
  showmessage('CAP_ALARMVOLUME is Not supported');