property VertGripsColor[g: integer]: TColor;
Specifies the brush color of the grip, g, on the vertical ruler.
Triangular grips showing with default color of light gray:
◼The default color of all grips is set by
GripColorDefault. Use
VertGripsColor to assign custom colors to specific grips.
◼To access the cursor grip (showing the current position of the cursor over the image), use VertGripsColor[ -1 ]
You can set the pen color with
GripPenColor// Set default color of grips to clSilver, but clRed for grips > 10
ImageEnView1.RulerParams.GripColorDefault := clSilver;
for i := 10 to ImageEnView1.RulerParams.VertGripsCount - 1 do
ImageEnView1.RulerParams.VertGripsColor[ i ] := clRed;
See Also