procedure makeBorder(dst: TIEVisionImage; top, bottom, left, right: int32_t; borderType: TIEVisionBorderType; value: TIEVisionScalar); overload; safecall;
procedure makeBorder(top, bottom, left, right: int32_t; borderType: TIEVisionBorderType; value: TIEVisionScalar); overload; safecall;
Form a border around the image.
First overload places the result into destination object.
Second overload updates the current image.
Resulting image size will be width = old_width + left + right, height = old_height + top + bottom.
Note: You can use
assignIEVisionImage to reflect this methods changes in the associated bitmap
Parameter | Description |
dst | Container for the destination image |
top | Specifies how many pixels on the top to add |
bottom | Specifies how many pixels on the bottom to add |
left | Specifies how many pixels on the left to add |
right | Specifies how many pixels on the right to add |
borderType | Border type. Choose one of ievBORDER_CONSTANT, ievBORDER_REPLICATE, ievBORDER_REFLECT, ievBORDER_WRAP or ievBORDER_REFLECT_101 |
value | Border value if borderType is ievBORDER_CONSTANT (in B:G:R orientation) |
BorderType Constants
// Add blue border to image
Img1 := ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.GetIEVisionImage;
Img1.makeBorder( 20, 20, 20, 20, ievBORDER_CONSTANT, IEVisionScalar( 255, 0, 0 ));
ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.assignIEVisionImage( Img1 );