ImageEn, unit ievision




procedure makeBorder(dst: TIEVisionImage; top, bottom, left, right: int32_t; borderType: TIEVisionBorderType; value: TIEVisionScalar); overload; safecall;
procedure makeBorder(top, bottom, left, right: int32_t; borderType: TIEVisionBorderType; value: TIEVisionScalar); overload; safecall;


Form a border around the image.
First overload places the result into destination object.
Second overload updates the current image.

Resulting image size will be width = old_width + left + right, height = old_height + top + bottom.

Note: You can use assignIEVisionImage to reflect this methods changes in the associated bitmap

Parameter Description
dst Container for the destination image
top Specifies how many pixels on the top to add
bottom Specifies how many pixels on the bottom to add
left Specifies how many pixels on the left to add
right Specifies how many pixels on the right to add
borderType Border type. Choose one of ievBORDER_CONSTANT, ievBORDER_REPLICATE, ievBORDER_REFLECT, ievBORDER_WRAP or ievBORDER_REFLECT_101
value Border value if borderType is ievBORDER_CONSTANT (in B:G:R orientation)

BorderType Constants


// Add blue border to image
Img1 := ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.GetIEVisionImage;
Img1.makeBorder( 20, 20, 20, 20, ievBORDER_CONSTANT, IEVisionScalar( 255, 0, 0 ));
ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.assignIEVisionImage( Img1 );