function createHistogram(sizes: TIEVisionVectorInt32; histType: TIEVisionHistogramType; ranges: TIEVisionVectorFloatPair; uniform: bool32 = true): TIEVisionHistogram; overload; safecall;
function createHistogram(bins: int32_t = 256; histType: TIEVisionHistogramType = ievARRAY; rangeMin: single = 0.0; rangeMax: single = 255.0; uniform: bool32 = true): TIEVisionHistogram; overload; safecall;
Create an empty histogram object.
Parameter | Description |
sizes | Number of histogram sizes |
histType | Histogram type |
ranges | Vector (list) of ranges (for each size) |
uniform | Uniform histogram |
bins | Number of bins |
rangeMin | Range start |
rangeMax | Range end |