// Tile a bitmap over the TImageEnMView background (behind thumbnails) // Wallpaper is a TPicture (which does not always support JPEG) so load into a TIEBitmap and then assign the bitmap bmp := TIEBitmap.Create( ExtractFilePath( Application.Exename ) + 'Wallpaper.jpg'); ImageEnMView1.WallpaperStyle := iewoTile; ImageEnMView1.Wallpaper.Assign( bmp.VclBitmap ); bmp.free;
// Use an image as the full background of a TImageEnView (behind the main image and layers) bmp := TIEBitmap.Create( ExtractFilePath( Application.Exename ) + 'Wallpaper.jpg'); ImageEnView1.WallpaperStyle := iewoStretch; ImageEnView1.Wallpaper.Assign( bmp.VclBitmap ); bmp.free;
// If the wallpaper file is BMP format, you can just use: // Tile a bitmap over the TImageEnView background ImageEnView1.WallpaperStyle := iewoStretch; ImageEnView1.Wallpaper.LoadFromFile('D:\MyWallpaper.bmp');