property ImagingAnnot: TIEImagingAnnot;
Provides access to the (Wang) imaging annotations loaded (or to be saved) from a TIFF.
Using the
TIEImagingAnnot object you can create new objects, copy to or from a
TImageEnView (as layers) or
TImageEnVect (as vectorial objects), or just draw onto the bitmap.
ImagingAnnot vs ImageEnAnnot
ImagingAnnot handles annotations that are supported by other third party applications, but does not support all
layer types of
ImageEnAnnot supports all
layer types, but are not understood by other applications.
// Load an image and all annotations from input.tif. This allows the annotations to be edited
ImageEnView1.IO.Params.ImagingAnnot.CopyToTImageEnView( ImageEnView1 );
// Load an image and all annotations from input.tif, but just draw annotation on the image (display only, cannot be edited):
ImageEnView1.IO.Params.ImagingAnnot.DrawToBitmap( ImageEnView1.IEBitmap, True );