property WIAParams: TIEWia;
Provides access to WIA parameters and allows you to show dialogs and control WIA devices.
Note: Use WIAParams only when you need access to WIA specific functionality (when
SelectedAcquireSource.Api is ieaWIA). For generic access to all image acquisitions sources (Twain, WIA, etc.) use
AcquireParams instead.
| Demos\ImageAcquisition\WIAScanner\WIAScanner.dpr |
// select first device, set black/white (with threshold) and capture
ImageEnView.IO.WIAParams.SetItemProperty(WIA_IPA_DATATYPE, WIA_DATA_THRESHOLD, nil);
if ImageEnView1.IO.SetAcquireSource(ieaWIA, Default_Device) then
// set dpi = 150 then capture
ImageEnView.IO.WIAParams.SetItemProperty(WIA_IPS_XRES, 150, nil);
ImageEnView.IO.WIAParams.SetItemProperty(WIA_IPS_YRES, 150, nil);
if ImageEnView1.IO.SetAcquireSource(ieaWIA, Default_Device) then
See Also