property Checkboxes: TIEMCheckboxType;
Displays a checkbox in each thumbnail box to provide an alternative method for users to select files (as opposed to
multiple selection).
CheckedCount to return the number of checked items
◼Read/write the checked status of each file using
Checked◼Set checked status en masse using
CheckAll or
UncheckAll◼Change the position and style of checkboxes with
CheckBoxPos and
SetCheckboxParams◼Add spacing to avoid drawing over the thumbnail using
LeftGap or
RightGap◼Access the event,
OnCheckboxClick, to determine when the user clicks a checkbox
◼To display a hint when hovering over the checkbox use
OnGetHint◼You can also use the
OnShowCheckbox event to control which images thumbnails are displayed for
| Demos\Multi\Checkboxes\Checkboxes.dpr |
// Display checkboxes
ImageEnMView1.Checkboxes := iecbAlways;
// Display checkboxes (and offset image so checkboxes do not draw over it)
ImageEnMView1.Checkboxes := iecbAlways;
ImageEnMView1.LeftGap := 20;
ImageEnMView1.RightGap := 6;
// Display checkboxes when hovering over a thumbnail
ImageEnMView1.Checkboxes := iecbShowOnHover;
// Remove the checkboxes
ImageEnMView1.Checkboxes := iecbNone;