property TextBackgroundColor: TColor;
Specify a background Color for your thumbnail text.
◼You can customize the styling of specific frames using the
OnGetTextEx event
◼If a standard color, such as clBtnFace is used, it may be overridden by VCL theming colors. Set
EnableTheming to false to prevent this
◼To make the text background expand to the width of the thumbnail, include ietxDrawTextFullWidth in
ThumbnailOptionsExDefault: clBtnFace
// Give Thumbnail text a solid yellow background to the width of the thumbnail
ImageEnMView1.TextBackgroundStyle := bsSolid;
ImageEnMView1.TextBackgroundColor := clYellow;
ImageEnMView1.ThumbnailOptionsEx := ImageEnMView1.ThumbnailOptionsEx + [ietxDrawTextFullWidth];
See Also