ImageEn, unit imageenproc




procedure GetUndoInfo(const index: Integer; Out UndoSource : TIEUndoSource; out UndoOperation: Integer);


Return detail on the undo located at Index.
Parameter Description
Index Record Index, i.e. Index = 0: Last saved undo, 1: Second to last saved undo, 2... up to UndoCount - 1
UndoSource The source of the undo
UndoOperation The editing operation that was performed
UndoCaption The caption for the operation (same as UndoCaptions
UndoIndex If the TImageEnProc is connected to a TImageEnView, the modified layer index is returned. If connected to a TImageEnMView, the image index is returned

Compatibility Information

TImageEnProc.GetUndoInfo replaces the older TImageEnProc.UndoPeekAt. Code such as:
Src := ImageEnView1.Proc.UndoPeekAt( idx );

Should be replaced with:
ImageEnView1.Proc.GetUndoInfo( ImageEnView1.Proc.UndoCount - 1 - idx, Src, iOp );

See Also
