property ObjBottom[hobj: integer]: integer;
Specifies the bottom offset of
hobj object. The coordinates are in pixels with zoom = 100%.
When setting ObjBottom also ObjTop is moved in order to maintain the original object width.
hobj is the ID of the object. You can also specify IEV_NEXT_INSERTED_OBJECT (-1) which refers to the next object to be inserted or IEV_PREVIOUS_INSERTED_OBJECT (-2) for the last object inserted.
// This code creates a Box at 10, 10 of 50x50 pixels.
ImageEnVect1.ObjKind [IEV_NEXT_INSERTED_OBJECT] := iekBOX;
ImageEnVect1.ObjLeft [IEV_NEXT_INSERTED_OBJECT] := 10;
ImageEnVect1.ObjTop [IEV_NEXT_INSERTED_OBJECT] := 10;
ImageEnVect1.ObjRight [IEV_NEXT_INSERTED_OBJECT] := 60;
ImageEnVect1.ObjBottom [IEV_NEXT_INSERTED_OBJECT] := 50;
Transition Information
If you are transitioning your code to
TImageEnView Layers, instead of ObjBottom, use:
bottom := ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer.PosY + ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer.Height;