property SelObjects[idx : integer]: integer; (Read-only)
SelObjects returns the id (hobj) of idx-th selected object. The first selected object has an idx value of zero.
Returns -1 if there are no selected objects.
// Sets pen color to clRed for all selected objects.
for i := 0 to ImageEnVect1.SelObjectsCount - 1 do
ImageEnVect1.ObjPenColor[ ImageEnVect1.SelObjects[i] ] := clGreen;
Transition Information
If you are transitioning your code to
TImageEnView Layers, instead of SelObjects, use:
Rather than iterating through selected layers, iterate through all layers and check whether the layer is selected, e.g.
for i := 0 to ImageEnView1.LayersCount - 1 do
if ImageEnView1.Layers[i].Selected then...