ImageEn, unit imageenview




procedure LayersArrange(CurIndex, NewIndex: Integer; SwapBackgroundProps: Boolean = False);


Rearranges the layer at index, CurIndex, to the position, NewIndex.
You can specify LYR_SELECTED_LAYERS (-2) for CurIndex to move all selected layers.

NewIndex can be one of the following:
>= 0 The new insertion index
IEN_Send_To_Back The layer will become the new background layer (layer 0)
IEN_Send_Backward The layer will move closer to the background
IEN_Bring_Forward The layer will move closer to the foreground
IEN_Bring_To_Front The layer will become the topmost one (in front of all others)

If SwapBackgroundProps=True and the background layer (Layer 0) is being moved, the new background layer will inherit the Locked and Selectable properties of the old one (and vice versa).

If the layer has a mask it will be moved too
Only a TIEImageLayer can be moved to layer 0 (i.e. background). If you attempt to move a non-image layer to position 0, it will be moved to 1
Use LayersArrange to arrange layer order. Use LayersRepositionAll to change the position of layers


// Move the current layer forward
ImageEnView1.LayersArrange( ImageEnView1.LayersCurrent, IEN_Bring_Forwards );

// Move selected layers backward
ImageEnView1.LayersArrange( LYR_SELECTED_LAYERS, IEN_Send_Backward );

// Move the selected layers to the back (but not replace the background layer
ImageEnView1.LayersArrange( LYR_SELECTED_LAYERS, 1 );

See Also
