ImageEn, unit imageenview |
function LayersNewLayerDialog(LayerKind: TIELayerKind; PromptForImage: Boolean = False; InsertPos: Integer = -1): Boolean;
Create a layer and prompt the user to specify its properties. If the user cancels out, the layer is removed.
PromptForImage is enabled and
LayerKind=ielkImage, then the user is prompted to browse for an image file to load.
InsertPos specifies the index of the new layer.
◼You can use
DefaultLayerShape to specify a default shape or
DefaultLayerText for default text
◼The size of the dialog are specified by:
LayerPropertiesDialogWidth and
LayerPropertiesDialogHeight◼You can customize the dialog using
OnShowDialog// Prompt the user to browse for an image and then set its properties dialog
ImageEnView1.LayersNewLayerDialog( ielkImage, True );
// Prompt the user to specify properties for a new shape layer
ImageEnView1.LayersNewLayerDialog( ielkShape );
See Also