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 ResourceLoader demo

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
PeterPanino Posted - May 30 2023 : 09:03:21
-> \Demos\InputOutput\ResourceLoader

This demo has exciting features. However, it shows non-image nodes in the treeview (version, manifest, string, ...).

I tried to correct this by inserting the following code at the beginning of the main loop in the LoadFile method:

for i := 0 to m_ResourceExtractor.TypesCount - 1 do
  // Filter only Image Resources:
  if not System.StrUtils.ContainsText(
    'Icon*PNG*SVG*Cursor*Bitmap*RCDATA*GroupCursor*GroupIcon*DXSKINS*AniCursor*AniIcon', // Text
    m_ResourceExtractor.FriendlyTypes[i]                                                 // SubText
    then CONTINUE;

This is the result with the resources loaded from ResourceLoader.exe:

However, this still shows non-image RCDATA resources! How can the LoadFile procedure be modified to show ONLY resource nodes in the treeview that can directly be displayed in the ImageEnView?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
xequte Posted - Jun 07 2023 : 03:11:31
Hi Peter

Sorry, I'm out of the office in June. Have you tried:

Xequte Software
PeterPanino Posted - Jun 06 2023 : 11:16:59
Hi Nigel,

When displaying all resource types (without filter), how can I access the TEXT-TYPE resources like VERSION, MANIFEST, and SVG data?: