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 TIELayer.GroupIndex - editing a member layer of the group

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
kowal Posted - Jun 21 2023 : 15:47:04
I'd like to create a project consisting of IELayer groups.
I think that they could be connected by the GroupIndex.
I haven't try it yet but I've read that selecting a grouped layer selects all the layers in the group.
So how can I edit only one layer from the group and not to lose gruping index?
(If I do lose the index the group will be broken)
S. Kowalski
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
xequte Posted - Jun 22 2023 : 02:05:39

In code you can deselect all layers and set LayersCurrent. That layer alone should then be editable.

Xequte Software