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 TIEPolyLIneLayer Points coordinates

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
kowal Posted - Jun 22 2023 : 13:52:05
I add the IEPolyLineLayer to the IEImageView using TIEPointBase = iepbBitmap parameter:

TIEPolylineLayer(iPOR.CurrentLayer).SetPoints(shapePoints, false , iepbBitmap);

the values of shapePoints are

(118,48) (518,597) - 2 points the pixel locations on the bitmap

then I edit the layer - I add 1 point, it is located near the middle of the line
and I read the new coordinates in the layer Points property
the values are

(4,3) (560,562) (996,997) - 3 points

I think they are coordinates recalculated for TIEPointBase = iepbRange but I want to have the TIEPointBase = iepbBitmap

How can I set the constant TIEPointBase for IEPolyLineLayer, which will not change while editing line?


2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
kowal Posted - Jun 23 2023 : 05:32:34
I was expecting something like this but couldn't find it.
Now I have the code:
x := Round( plLayer.GetPointEx( i, iepbBitmap).x );
y := Round( plLayer.GetPointEx( i, iepbBitmap).y );
and it works OK
xequte Posted - Jun 23 2023 : 01:34:47

You cannot set the base permanently, just read and write it in your preferred type.

e.g. using:

Xequte Software