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 Compress color tiff

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
AndNit Posted - Jul 20 2023 : 12:29:48

What's the best way, the one to make the tif file as small as possible, without much loss, to compress a color image?

I'm using the following code:

ImageEnMView1.MIO.Params[b].TIFF_Compression := ioTIFF_JPEG;
ImageEnMView1.MIO.Params[b].JPEG_Quality := 50;

however, while this multpage tif file in black and white is 1.37 MB the same file, with the same amount of pages, is 15,840 MB when colored. I need to reduce the size of this file as much as possible

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
AndNit Posted - Jul 24 2023 : 08:57:05
excellent, made all the difference.

xequte Posted - Jul 20 2023 : 23:14:25

For full color images, ioTIFF_JPEG is likely to give the best compression, due to its lossy nature (naturally full color images will take up significantly more disk space than 2 color ones).

Note though, for TIFF compressed with ioTIFF_JPEG, you specify the quality with TIFF_JPEGQuality (not JPEG_Quality):

Xequte Software