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mdgodfrey Posted - May 01 2024 : 18:24:22
Can someone tell me why the following code doesn't work for being able to move through a multipage PDF document with mouse or arrow keys?

Function TfrmPDFViewer.ViewPDF(aPDFName: String) : Boolean;
  PDFFile: String;
  PDFFile := frmPreferences.DirRepository + '\Help\' + aPDFName;
  ImageEnView1.PDFViewer.ShowAllPages := True;

I have ShowAllPpages working in other places where I have an ImageEnView.
MouseInteractGeneral is set with [miScroll].
I am loading multipage documents and using buttons to move to other pages works.
I have moved ShowAllPages to several other locations in the program with no behavior difference.
So, just guessing that I am missing some other property?
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
xequte Posted - May 03 2024 : 21:45:52
PDFium does not support that, at this time.

Xequte Software
mdgodfrey Posted - May 03 2024 : 13:58:15
Will Add Bookmark be an option at some point?
mdgodfrey Posted - May 03 2024 : 12:04:13
Thanks for the help. Very excited about annotations!
xequte Posted - May 02 2024 : 22:07:02
If PdfViewer.Enabled = False, ImageEn will load the PDF file as an image (specified page only).
If PdfViewer.Enabled = True, ImageEn will load the PDF file as a document.

Annotations are included in the next update.

Xequte Software
mdgodfrey Posted - May 02 2024 : 00:34:45
It is focused.
The problem is that I hadn't added ImageEnView1.PdfViewer.Enabled := True;
Which is kind of weird because everything else, at least with viewing, responds like the PDFViewer is enabled.

Also, this next release will have the adding annotations feature?


xequte Posted - May 01 2024 : 23:37:46

Does ImageEnView1.PDFViewer.Enabled = TRUE?

Is the TImageEnView the focused control? I.e. if you click the ImageEnView (or programmatically set it as focused) does it work?

Xequte Software