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 DPI Awareness settings for CaptureFromScreen

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
PeterPanino Posted - Sep 15 2024 : 00:44:17
In the documentation topic "TImageEnIO.CaptureFromScreen," the description says:

This method may give unpredictable results if your project has DPI Awareness set to "Unaware"

I suppose you mean the Manifest settings in the Project Options. In my project, the DPI Awareness is currently set to "Per Monitor v2."

Could you please elaborate on which DPI Awareness settings are best or optimal for CaptureFromScreen in ImageEn?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
PeterPanino Posted - Sep 15 2024 : 01:30:34
Hi Nigel

Thanks for the information.
xequte Posted - Sep 15 2024 : 01:20:42
Hi Peter

ImageEn works best when DPI Awareness is set to "Per Monitor v2".

Xequte Software