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T O P I C    R E V I E W
DK1970 Posted - Sep 16 2024 : 07:26:04

I am having trouble translating the ImageEn help using the browser's translate function because it uses frames.
Even if I check the link on the page and call it directly, I get redirected to the frame page.
Is there any way to deal with this?

Daisuke Kazama
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
xequte Posted - Sep 17 2024 : 20:40:50
Hi Daisuke

The issue is that the Left index is built using Javascript, so Google doesn't correctly link to a translation-enabled version of the the page (so reverts to English).

I'll see if we can do anyting about that. In the meantime it is best to avoid using the left menu.





Xequte Software
DK1970 Posted - Sep 17 2024 : 08:24:22
Thank you for your reply.

I clicked on the URL you gave me and at first the Japanese was converted to Japanese as I wanted.
However, when I click on the corresponding link in the left frame, the left frame is still translated into Japanese, but the right frame becomes English.
In the browser, right-clicking on the right frame performs the translation, but the result remains in English and is not translated into Japanese.

It would be better if the individual pages of the links are displayed as they are,
If after a while it redirects to index.php,
The above phenomenon occurs.

Is there any way to fix this?

Daisuke Kazama
xequte Posted - Sep 17 2024 : 00:45:47
Hi Daisuke

Please view it translated at:

Xequte Software