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 iexSevenZip - how to add files to existing 7z archive

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
marek Posted - Nov 21 2024 : 11:25:41
Last time I have found iexSevenZip and I enabled IESupportCompression.
I can create new archive without problem but I can not find out how to update an existing archive file (add new files).
I have found the following hint:

Update operation:

1) reads a.7z
2) creates new archive b.7z that using a.7z
3) renames b.7z to a.7z (if OK, and if you want it),

That why you still need IInArchive.

Could you help me with some example how to implement 2)

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
xequte Posted - Nov 24 2024 : 20:11:32
Hi Marek

ImageEn only supports reading of archives at this time.

Out of interest, I did try spend a little time to see if updating of existing archives could be implemented easily using the methods outlined at:

But it proved to be much more complex than I anticipated so it will need to remain on the to-do list until we have time to investigate it fully.

Xequte Software