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 NewTextAnnotation with PdfViewer

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jeffp Posted - Dec 13 2024 : 14:13:57
I'm trying to create a new text annotation with the PdfViewer.

The following code adds the annotation, BUT I can't seem to see the default text OR click into the annotation and edit or add more text.

FViewer.PdfViewer.Annotations.NewTextAnnotation(DR, 'Add text here');

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
xequte Posted - Dec 17 2024 : 00:33:40
Hi Jeff

There is no support at this time for displaying an editor when editing a text object or annotation. I've added it to the to-do list.

Xequte Software
jeffp Posted - Dec 16 2024 : 16:59:54
I did. I can't double click into that text annotation either. I'm I just not understanding how the PDF text annotation works. I'm expecting something similar to the image layer text where I draw a rectangle and then I click into it to start typing text.

xequte Posted - Dec 16 2024 : 16:43:39
See the annotations demo which allows editing of the text in annotations:


Xequte Software
jeffp Posted - Dec 16 2024 : 09:58:28
I do have that in PdfEditor.Options. Here's what it looks like. The annotation is there. I just can't click into it and add text.


xequte Posted - Dec 15 2024 : 22:52:18
Hi Jeff

A text annotation is not visible as text (unlike a text object). It appears as a hover hint:

To show annotations, iepoAnnotations must be specified in ImageEnView1.PdfViewer.Options (which is the default).

Xequte Software