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 PDFViewer Selection

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Ken Randall Posted - Dec 15 2024 : 11:24:19
Hi Nigel,

When an object is within the bounds of another object, which is selected, the smaller object cannot be selected.

This can be replicated using your PDFPageObjects demo using the attached PDF where object[0] is a path around the entire page.



Ken R
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ken Randall Posted - Dec 18 2024 : 00:19:47
Thanks Nigel. Strangely that works if you click on the grey area on the right hand side but not the left! Shift + mouse click on the background object also works.

Ken R
xequte Posted - Dec 17 2024 : 20:12:39
Hi Ken

Yes, I did. If the background object is selected (which takes up the whole page), you need to select outside the page (gray area) before selecting a another object (or use the listbox selector).

Can you confirm that you tried that?

Xequte Software
Ken Randall Posted - Dec 17 2024 : 02:14:48
Hi Nigel,

Can you please try your demo with the PDF I provided as this doesn't seem to be happening.

Ken R
xequte Posted - Dec 16 2024 : 16:30:30
Hi Ken

Object selection occurs in this order:

1. Currently selected object (i.e. don't change the selection if they click within the bounds)
2. Front-most to back-most

So in this case you either need to deselect (click outside the selection area) or choose another object from a selector.

Xequte Software