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 Polygon / Polyline Points - Tidyup Horizontal / Vertical vortexes

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
andyhill Posted - Feb 09 2025 : 14:20:28
User draws polygon by tracing floor plan image where the end result (polygon points) need fine tuning:-

X1 = 100, Y1 = 101, X2 = 503, Y2 = 105
X3 = 507, Y1 = 102, X4 = 503, Y2 = 305


X1 = 100, Y1 = 100, X2 = 500, Y2 = 100
X3 = 500, Y3 = 100, X4 = 500, Y4 = 300

Many years ago there was a Delphi CAD library that had an "iso" option to tidy up points, can we do this with ImageEn points ?

If not can anyone show me an optimized way ? Obviously there would need to be a tolerance factor.

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
andyhill Posted - Feb 11 2025 : 13:23:49
Thanks Nigel, will test

xequte Posted - Feb 09 2025 : 18:09:35
Hi Andy

When sizing, you can force alignment using:

Otherwise you can iterate over the points yourself and apply your own snapping algorithm:

pt.X := Round( IESnapValue( pt.X, Snap_Distance ));

Xequte Software