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 Deselect Polygon

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
HMArnold Posted - Feb 11 2025 : 11:17:36
What is the best way to deselect a polygon?

After I draw multiple polygons and separate layers, the last one drawn is selected with all the nodes highlighted.

I have tried

Image.CurrentLayer.Selected := false;


(PImage.CurrentLayer as TIEPolylineLayer).Selected := false;


HM Arnold
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
xequte Posted - Feb 12 2025 : 18:38:51
Yes, that should be already fixed in recent betas.

Xequte Software
HMArnold Posted - Feb 12 2025 : 12:08:02
Thanks very much.

For some reason the LayersDelectAll() still holds the last drawn polygon, but setting LayersCurrent := 0 works fine.

HM Arnold
xequte Posted - Feb 11 2025 : 18:32:59

The correct method is to use set LayersCurrent, or call LayersDeselectAll():

However if you the user is currently in layer point editing mode, it is difficult to exit that state. This is fixed in an earlier beta. You can email us for it.

Xequte Software