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 Grayscale Tif

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Sam Posted - Jan 15 2013 : 03:43:57
Hi, I try to load 1 bit (grayscale) Tif-Pictures. But the colors are not right after loading it (white is black or orange and black is blue or red...).
How can I load the picture correctly?

Thank you!
17   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
fab Posted - Feb 01 2013 : 02:40:58
Do not change the routine in hyieutils.pas, but extract these functions renaming them. This because they are used by other parts of ImageEn.
Sam Posted - Jan 31 2013 : 04:18:47
Itīs much faster, when I change the _DIBDrawTo-Method in hyieutils.pas (just a quick test):

// draw an hdib in a canvas
procedure _DIBDrawTo(DestCanvas: TCanvas; fhdib: THANDLE; orgx, orgy, orgdx, orgdy, destx, desty, destdx, destdy: integer);
  bminfo: ^TBITMAPINFO;
  bminfo := GlobalLock(fhdib);
  if ((destdx - destx) < bminfo^.bmiHeader.biWidth / 2) and ((destdy - desty) < bminfo^.bmiHeader.biHeight / 2) then
    SetStretchBltMode(destcanvas.handle, COLORONCOLOR)
    SetStretchBltMode(destcanvas.handle, HALFTONE);

Do you know, if this has some disadvantages?
I have got better image quality and itīs faster when zooming in with "HALFTONE".

Thank you!
Sam Posted - Jan 30 2013 : 05:59:13
But itīs the same code, which was already there in hyieutils.pas. Hm, strange...

I just use:

myBitmap.RenderToCanvas(myCanvas, ax1, ay1, ax2, ay2, rfNone, 0);

to copy the Bitmap to the canvas. When ax and ay represent only a small area of the bitmap (this is the zoom level, I meant), RenderToCanvas is very slow. If ax and ay have values, which renders the whole image to the canvas and not only a small area of the image, it is really fast...
fab Posted - Jan 30 2013 : 04:35:40
I cut-off all RenderToCanvas printing related code.
How do you zoom?
Sam Posted - Jan 30 2013 : 04:02:43
Hi Fabrizio,

this code is exactly the code, which is already in hyieutils.pas. Whatīs the difference??

When showing the whole picture, RenderToCanvas is fast, but when zooming in, it getīs slower and slower (depends on zoom level).
fab Posted - Jan 29 2013 : 23:29:20
RenderToCanvas is designed for printing. Leaving out all printing related code results to the below code, please try it:

procedure _DIBDrawTo(DestCanvas: TCanvas; fhdib: THANDLE; orgx, orgy, orgdx, orgdy, destx, desty, destdx, destdy: integer);
  bminfo: ^TBITMAPINFO;
  bminfo := GlobalLock(fhdib);
  SetStretchBltMode(destcanvas.handle, COLORONCOLOR);
  if bminfo^.bmiHeader.biBitCount <= 8 then
    // <=256 colors
    StretchDIBits(destcanvas.Handle, destx, desty, destdx, destdy, orgx, orgy, orgdx, orgdy,
      pointer(cardinal(bminfo) + sizeof(TBITMAPINFOHEADER) + (1 shl bminfo^.bmiHeader.biBitCount) * 4),
      bminfo^, DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY)
    // >256 colors
    StretchDIBits(destcanvas.Handle, destx, desty, destdx, destdy, orgx, orgy, orgdx, orgdy,
      pointer(cardinal(bminfo) + sizeof(TBITMAPINFOHEADER)),
      bminfo^, DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY);

procedure PrintPict(DestCanvas: TCanvas; x, y: integer; const Bitmap: TIEBitmap; srcx, srcy, srcdx, srcdy: integer);
  hdib: THandle;
  hdib := _CopyBitmaptoDIBEx(Bitmap, srcx, srcy, srcx + srcdx, srcy + srcdy,200,200);
  _DIBDrawTo(DestCanvas, hdib, 0, 0, srcdx, srcdy, x, y, srcdx, srcdy);

However this could result still slow, because the creation of a temporary DIB.
Sam Posted - Jan 28 2013 : 09:30:01
I wonder, why "RenderToCanvas" is especially so slow, when zooming into an image (with no active filter, rfNone)??
Sam Posted - Jan 28 2013 : 05:50:09
Hi Fabrizio,

I donīt know the version, but it was a very old version of ImageEn. From 2004, I think.

Yes, Iīve got only the HDC.

With IEBitmap.RenderToCanvas, it works correct, but this function is really slow, so not a really good replacement...
fab Posted - Jan 25 2013 : 00:35:38
I donīt know, if itīs really a Delphi-Problem, because with the old version of ImageEn, it works correctly!

Which ImageEn version does work?

Do you have another solution?

Unfortunately no.
You have only a display context (HDC) where to render the image, is it right?
Have you tried other functions like, ImageEnView.IEBItmap.RenderToCanvas?
Sam Posted - Jan 23 2013 : 03:42:55
Hi Fabrizio,

thank you for your answer!

But this solution has a big disadvantage for us:
We have to keep the pictures in memory and we have got big 1 bit images (15000x10000 pixels). If I use your solution, the memory is full after some pictures, because the memory usage increases dramatically with 24 bit. So, we canīt use it this way!

I donīt know, if itīs really a Delphi-Problem, because with the old version of ImageEn, it works correctly!

Do you have another solution?

Thank you!
fab Posted - Jan 22 2013 : 09:55:38
I cannot explain because this happens on Delphi 5 (maybe a bug of that Delphi version). However you can render a 24 bit bitmap instead of 1 bit, in this case it seems to work (look at also to "fixed" remarks):

  ImageEx := TImageEnView.Create(nil);  // fixed: nil instead of self

  if ( OpenImageEnDialog1.Execute ) then
    Screen.Cursor := crHourglass;


    ImageEx.IEBitmap.PixelFormat := ie24RGB;     <<< add this

    SetStretchBltMode(im.Canvas.Handle, HALFTONE);

    Screen.Cursor := crArrow;

  ImageEx.Free; // fixed
fab Posted - Jan 22 2013 : 09:26:25
I'm sorry, I cannot check exe files.
However, actually now I can replicate with Delphi 5. Please wait for a solution.

Anyway let's to say that this is not strictly an ImageEn question. ImageEn correctly loads the images. The problem stays where you paint the ImageEn loaded image to a TImage (or anyway in an another canvas).

Thanks for your patience.
Sam Posted - Jan 22 2013 : 03:28:05
Hi, Iīm now waiting since 5 days for an answer! Sorry, but this is not a good support!
Can you please just check the EXE-File, that I uploaded???
I have to use the old version of ImageEn, because the new version doesnīt work for me!
Sam Posted - Jan 20 2013 : 15:28:41
No Idea?
Sam Posted - Jan 17 2013 : 06:41:38

now, I re-installed the ImageEn components. But there is still the same error!
With an older version of ImageEn, it works without problems, but not with 4.1.4 (ImageEn_4.1.4_77293b_Setup.exe). We use Delphi 5.
You can download the compiled EXE file of the project (with Delphi 5) here:

Is this working on your computer correctly?
It seems, that there may be a bug for Delphi 5???

Thank you again...
fab Posted - Jan 16 2013 : 10:46:48
Sorry, but I cannot replicate. Here is my screenshot:

I recompiled your application with the latest version.
Sam Posted - Jan 16 2013 : 10:15:40
Hi, can someone please check this Delphi example:

When I load the 1Bit Tiff (pictures included in example), the colors are not right! What is wrong?

Thanks for helping!