Hi, In my project with IEImageEnView I have a curious effect when rotating the imagelayer. The layer rotates but I see the previous layerImage version too. I can not find what is the reason of this. I have some code for LayerNotify events and I checked the ImageLayer.LayerIndex and ImageEnView.LayersCount. There are not any new layers when I rotate.
In the RotateDemo the imageLayer rotates without this effect.
What shall I change in my ImageEnView or ImageLayer settings?
Hi Nigel Unfortunately in the demo I can not get the same effect. So temporarily I ignore this issue until I'll have more time to test the whole project. It is quite complicated - I create, remove, rotate, resample layers by code, save the xpos, ypos, width, height and file names in the database. So now I know the problem is in my code. thank you for the help Stan