I can see how to move a PDF Page up or down by one page at a time but I am hoping to find a way to drag a page(s) a long distance and then drop it to the desired position.
I don't seem to be able to find a demo that does that for a PDF. Any suggestions?
We'll be releasing an update next week. It includes a new demo showing how to support drag/drop of pages to reorder them:
The important thing to remember is that TImageEnView.PDFViewer is the container of the PDF document. The TImageEnMView is only showing the content of TImageEnView.PDFViewer (i.e. via TImageEnMView.AttachedImageEnView), so when the pages are moved or deleted the TImageEnMView must command the TImageEnView.PDFViewer to move or delete them (and then the TImageEnMView will automatically refresh with the updated content).