Delphi 12.1, ImageEn 13.0.
1) Do I understand correctly that if I need specific properties of TWAIN or WIA interfaces (read/write) when working with AcquireParams, I can access them. specific properties of TWAIN or WIA interfaces (read/write), they can be accessed in the following way can be accessed in the following way:
with ImageEnMView.MIO do
if AcquireParams.SelectedSource.API = ieaTwain then
AcquireParams.AttachedTwainParams.Brightness.CurrentValue := 50
if AcquireParams.SelectedSource.API = ieaWIA then begin
AcquireParams.AttachedWIAParams.GetItemPropertyAttrib(WIA_IPS_BRIGHTNESS, AcquireParams.AttachedWIAParams.Device, ieAttrib, ieValues);
nMin := ieValues.Min
2) The TWAIN interface has AcceptedImages and StandardSize properties for setting the number of sheets and sheet size.
The WIA interface or TAcquireParams does not have these properties.
Question: WIA interface does not support these features (properties) or they are not implemented in your system ?
3) When saving the scan result to PDF
with ImageEnMView.MIO do
for nCou := 0 to ImageEnMView.ImageCount-1 do begin
Params[nCou].PDF_Compression := ioPDF_JPEG;
Params[nCou].PDF_Creator := 'My Creater';
There are string properties, e.g. PDF_Creator or PDF_Author.
Question: In which encoding of them are the string data written to PDF ?
I need to understand how to write Cyrillic encoded strings to these fields.