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 load picture to existing layer keep layer size
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ZS Tekatec

13 Posts

Posted - Feb 18 2025 :  14:04:16  Show Profile  Reply

I've an image layer with the caption "Load image".
Then I'd like to load an image into this area as you can see below.
If the loaded image is larger than the layer area, it should fit proportionally.
Do you have any tips?



38796 Posts

Posted - Feb 18 2025 :  14:22:20  Show Profile  Reply

It should always being make an image fit within the layer rectangle proportionally after loading. I just tested this with v13.7.0.

Are you able to reproduce in one of our demos? If so, please give me the steps.

Note: You can also modify the properties of the selected layer after an action by using:

Xequte Software
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ZS Tekatec

13 Posts

Posted - Feb 20 2025 :  16:33:42  Show Profile  Reply
Yes, I'm able to reproduce it in your demo.
The problem occurs when ImageEnView1.LayersMerge([idx1, idx2]) is used and I try to load an image into the merged layer.

1) I create a text layer with the heading "Load image"

ImageEnView1.LayersAdd(ielkText); // add a new textlayer
  lyr := TIETextLayer(ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer);
  lyr.Text := 'Load image';
  lyr.Name := 'T1';
  lyr.Font.Size := 28;
  lyr.PosX := TIEImageLayer(ImageEnView1.Layers[1]).PosX;
  lyr.PosY := TIEImageLayer(ImageEnView1.Layers[1]).PosY;
  lyr.Height := TIEImageLayer(ImageEnView1.Layers[1]).Height + 1;
  lyr.Width := TIEImageLayer(ImageEnView1.Layers[1]).Width + 1;
  lyr.FillColor := clWhite;
  lyr.BorderWidth := 4;
  lyr.BorderColor := clBlack;
  lyr.Alignment := iejCenter;
  lyr.Layout := ielCenter;

2) I merge the image (index = 1) with the text layer
ImageEnView1.LayersMerge([1, lyr.LayerIndex]);

3) I try to load new image into the merged layer from point 2 - and then the loaded image doesn't fit into the merged layer, it has original size.

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