I have a tiff, with ICC profile (color profile) eciRGB v2, When i convert it to an jpeg or gif, it deletes that profile. Is there a way I can keep this ICC profile in the converted images?
How to fix this problem?
Should I use LCMS or just write iegEnableCMS = true ???
When iegEnableCMS=false the loaded ICC profile is not applied and the same original profile will be saved back (only in jpeg, TIFF and PSD file format).
Howerver I can't seem to get the ICC to work. I have both iegEnableCMS=false and true. But both ways it deletes the eciRGB v2 profile when converting tiff to JPG. Do you have any ideas?
Hi, actually current version cannot save ICC profiles got from TIFF into jpegs. Only ICC profile loaded from jpeg can be saved into other jpegs. However starting from next release it will be possible to save into jpeg profiles loaded from other formats.