Below Code // OK this->ImageEnView1->IO->LoadFromFileBMP("d:\\test.bmp"); // OK ImageEnView1->Proc->Flip(fdHorizontal); // save Flip image OK this->ImageEnView1->IO->SaveToFile("d:\\test-hori.bmp");
TIEBitmap.BlackValue and WhiteValue cannot be saved. They are "display-only" properties (like ChannelOffset and Contrast). To make permanent changes to the image you have to call StretchValues after set BlackValue and WhiteValue. Example:
Your suggest code execute result is full white image. (View Screen and save result image file) this->ImageEnView1->IO->IEBitmap->BlackValue = 100; this->ImageEnView1->IO->IEBitmap->WhiteValue = 20; this->ImageEnView1->IO->IEBitmap->StretchValues(); this->ImageEnView1->IO->Update();
Below code is good effect image. (View Screen and not effect result image file) this->ImageEnView1->IO->IEBitmap->BlackValue = 100; this->ImageEnView1->IO->IEBitmap->WhiteValue = 20; this->ImageEnView1->IO->Update();