All Types | Classes | Structures | Enumerations | Delegates |
Name | Description | |
AcquireParams |
The AcquireParams object provides a generic interface to the Twain, WIA and Portable Devices interfaces of IEvolution. It allows you to use all available acquisition methods without writing separate code for Twain and WIA.
| |
AcquireParams..::..AcquirePixelType |
Pixel type
| |
AcquireParams..::..AcquireRotation |
Specifies how much the Source can/should rotate the scanned image data prior to transfer.
| |
IEMulti..::..AfterAcquireBitmapEventHandler |
The after acquire bitmap event handler
| |
AntialiasMode |
Specifies the antialias mode
| |
IEViewer..::..BackgroundStyleType |
Specifies the background style
| |
IEImage..::..BitmapOrigin | Specifies bitmap origin. Default is bottomleft, that is Windows compatible. Other libraries could require topleft (like OpenCV). | |
IOParams..::..BMPCompression |
BMP file compression
| |
IOParams..::..BMPRAWChannelOrder |
Specifies RGB channel order.
| |
IOParams..::..BMPRAWDataFormat |
Specifies raw data firnat.
| |
IOParams..::..BMPRAWPlanes |
Specifies color channels disposition.
| |
IOParams..::..BMPVersion |
Specifies BMP file version
| |
IEImage..::..CaptureSource |
The desktop capture source
| |
IEImage..::..CreateAVIFileResult |
Error returned by CreateAVIFile
| |
CropAlgorithm |
Specifies crop algorithm
| |
CropToolInteraction..::..CropMode |
Specifies the shape of cropping area.
| |
CropToolInteraction | The crop tool allows the user to select an area of the image to keep and then call CropToolInteraction.Crop() to apply the crop. The selection can also be rotated so the image is rotated and then cropped. In Crop Tool mode: - User can resize crop box by dragging grips - User can rotate crop by dragging outside grips | |
DeinterlaceMode |
Deinterlace mode
| |
DICOM_Info | This object contains the list of DICOM tags. For a list of DICOM tags look at DICOM documentation. | |
IOParams..::..DicomCompression |
The compression used for a DICOM file.
| |
IOParams..::..DicomRange |
Specifies how to handle the pixels visibility range.
| |
IEMulti..::..DisplayModeType |
Specifies how the images are showed
| |
IEImage..::..DitherAlgorithm |
Dither type to use when reducing colors.
| |
IEImage..::..DitherMethod |
Color conversion algorithm to use.
| |
IEImage..::..DitherType |
Dither algorithm
| |
IEMulti..::..DrawImageEventHandler |
The draw image event handler
| |
IEViewer..::..DrawLayerEventArgs |
Event args for DrawLayer
| |
IEImage..::..EncryptAlgorithm |
Specifies encryption algorithm
| |
IOParams..::..EXIFExposureProgram |
The exposure program values
| |
IOParams..::..EXIFFocalPlaneResolutionUnit |
Focal plane resolution units
| |
IOParams..::..EXIFOrientation |
Specify image orientation
| |
IOParams..::..EXIFResolutionUnit |
Resolution unit for EXIF
| |
IOParams..::..EXIFYCbCrPositioning |
YCbCr positioning
| |
IEImage..::..FindFormatMethod |
Methods used by FindFileFormat to determine the type of an image.
| |
IEImage..::..FlipDir |
Flip direction
| |
IOParams..::..GPSAltitude |
Indicates the altitude in meters.
| |
IOParams..::..GPSAltitudeReference |
Indicates the altitude used as the reference altitude.
| |
IOParams..::..GPSCoordinateReference |
Defines a GPS coordinate reference
| |
IOParams..::..GPSDirection |
Indicates the direction of the image when it was captured.
| |
IOParams..::..GPSDirectionReference |
Indicates the reference for giving the direction of the image when it is captured.
| |
IOParams..::..GPSDistance |
Distance to destination.
| |
IOParams..::..GPSDistanceReference |
Indicates the unit used to express the distance to the destination point.
| |
IOParams..::..GPSPosition |
Defines a GPS position (latitude or longitude).
| |
IOParams..::..GPSSpeed |
Indicates the speed of GPS receiver movement.
| |
IOParams..::..GPSSpeedReference |
Specifies the reference speed for GPSSpeed structure
| |
IEViewer..::..GridKind |
Enables the display of helper lines over the image.
| |
IEViewer..::..HAlign |
Image horizontal alignment
| |
IEImage..::..HashAlgorithm |
Specifies an hashing algorithm.
| |
HorizAlign |
Specifies an horizontal alignment
| |
IOParams..::..ICOFormat |
ICO compression format
| |
IEAfterAcquireBitmapEventArgs |
Event handler for after acquire bitmap
| |
IEImage..::..IEAlignLayers |
Specifies how align layers
| |
IEAlignment |
Specifies the alignment
| |
IEAnimation |
This is the base abstract class for animation classes like coverflow-like (IEHorizontalFlow) and circular flow (IECircularFlow) or any other animation classe.
| |
IEAnnotations |
Contains all vectorial objects (IEObject)
| |
IEBorderStyle |
Specify the control border style
| |
IEBrushStyles |
Specifies the pattern for the brush.
| |
IEGlobalSettings..::..IECameraRawEngine |
Specifies which engine is used to load Camera Raw images.
| |
IEChromaKeyOptions |
Options for selection of images making use of a Chroma-Key background (e.g. green screen).
| |
IEChromaKeySelectionMode |
Specify whether the subject or the background is selected.
| |
IECircularFlow |
Implements a circular animation.
| |
IEImage..::..IECmpMode |
Compare algorithm for CompareHistogramWith method.
| |
Defines a CMYK color
| |
IEConstants |
IEvolution global constants
| |
IEImage..::..IECopyPasteType |
Specifies the source for cut and copy operations, or the destination for paste operations.
| |
IEDictionary |
IEDictionary is a String->Object dictionary (hashmap).
| |
IEDirectShow |
IEDirectShow class allows control of some Direct Show features, such as video capture, audio capture, multimedia files capture as well video rendering, and multimedia file writing.
| |
IEDoubleList |
Class used to handle double list
| |
IEDragLenEndEventArgs |
Event args for DragLenEnd
| |
IEDrawImageEventArgs |
Event handler for draw image
| |
IEDirectShow..::..IEDVDMenu |
Specifies a DVD menu
| |
IEDirectShow..::..IEEventCode |
Event code returned by GetEventCode
| |
IEGlobalSettings..::..IEEXIFMakerNotesHandling |
Maker notes handling
| |
IEViewer..::..IEFastDrawing |
Drawing speed
| |
IEFileFormats |
Supported file formats
| |
IELayer..::..IEFillGradient |
Fill gradient
| |
IEFont |
Specifies font name, style and attributes
| |
IEFontQuality |
Specifies value for FontQuality property.
| |
IEFontStyle |
Determines whether the font is normal, italic, underlined, bold, and so on.
| |
IEGlobalSettings |
Contains almost all IEvolution shared settings.
| |
IEViewRulerParams..::..IEGripDir |
Specifies Whether the horizontal ruler is shown above or below the image.
| |
IEGripShape |
Specifies the grip's shape as shown when an object is selected.
| |
IEViewRulerParams..::..IEGripXDir |
Specifies whether the vertical ruler is shown left or right of the image.
| |
IEGlobalSettings..::..IEHistogramScale |
Histogram scale
| |
IEHorizontalFlow |
Implements a coverflow-like animation.
| |
IEImage | IEImage object is the main container for bitmaps. It allows the application to load and save single images (BMP,PCX,TIFF,JPEG...), performs image processing, acquires image from scanner. IEImage can store images in memory mapped files (for big images), in memory (fast access) or can encapsulate DIB objects (for Graphics drawing and compatibility). When IEImage is created at runtime with "new" statement, it should be manually disposed calling Dispose() method. For example: CopyC# IEImage myImage = new IEImage(); ...do something with myImage... myImage.Dispose(); // this is required | |
IEImageAtPosQueryEventArgs |
Event called whenever it is necessary to check if specified coordinates are inside a thumbnail.
| |
IEImageIDRequestEventArgs |
Event handler for image ID request event
| |
IEImageLayer | IEImage supports multiple layers, allowing the creation of a single image from multiple source images (which can be resized, rotated, moved, etc). IEImageLayer is a descendent of IELayer which contains an image. | |
IEImageList | IEImageList handles a list of images. The images can be stored fully, as thumbnails (a sub-resampled image of the original), or loaded when displayed (you have to specify only the file name), or upon request (whenever an image is to be shown, an event is generated). It is possible to load/save multipage TIFF, GIF, MPEG, AVI, etc... and export as PDF or PS, or acquire multiple pages from TWain or WIA devices. | |
IEImagingAnnotations | IEImagingAnnotations contains the (Wang) imaging annotations loaded (or to save) from a TIFF. Using IEImaingAnnotations object you can create new objects, copy to a IEAnnotations (as vectorial objects), copy from a IEAnnotations (from vectorial objects) or just draw on the bitmap. | |
IEIntList |
Class used to handle int list
| |
IELabelBorder |
Specifies the label style.
| |
IELabelPos |
Specifies the label position
| |
IELanguage |
Dialogs language
| |
IELayer |
IELayer object allows to control the properties of a layer, as transparency, position, etc.
| |
IELayerKind |
Layer type
| |
IELayerOptions |
Options to control layer behavior
| |
IELayout |
Specifies the vertical alignment of text.
| |
IELineEndShape |
Starting and ending shape
| |
IELineLayer |
IEImage supports multiple layers, allowing the creation of a single image from multiple source images (which can be resized, rotated, moved, etc).
IELineLayer is a descendent of IELayer that displays a single line. It can optionally display a text label and starting and ending arrows.
| |
IEMagnifySource |
Specified the source of magnification.
| |
IEMagnifyStyle |
Specifies the magnificator style (shape of the magnify layer)
| |
IEMeasureUnits |
Allowed measure units
| |
IEMouseInteract |
Specify which mouse activities are performed when the user interacts with the IEVIewer component with the mouse.
| |
IEMulti | IEMulti component is the same as IEViewer, but it can handle multiple images. IEMulti can display images in rows, in columns, in a grid or in a single frame. The images can be animated: if you choose to show a single frame, you can view an animated sequence (as a Gif or an AVI). Each image has assigned a delay time. The images can be stored fully, as thumbnails (a sub-resampled image of the original), or loaded when displayed (you have to specify only the file name), or upon request (whenever an image is to be shown, an event is generated). If you choose, the user can select an image: selected images will have a bordered frame. You can also specify a custom function whenever an image is shown (i.e., to paint the image index near the image). | |
IEObject |
Defines the base class for all vectorial objects (annotations)
| |
IEObjectAngle |
The Angle object
| |
IEObjectArc |
The Arc object
| |
IEObjectBox |
The Box/rectangle object
| |
IEObjectEllipse |
The ellipse object
| |
IEObjectEventArgs |
Event args for object notifications
| |
IEObjectImage |
The Image object
| |
IEObjectLine |
The Line object
| |
IEObjectLineLabel |
The line with a label object
| |
IEObjectMemo |
The Memo object
| |
IEObjectPolyLine |
The Polyline (polygon open and closed) object
| |
IEObjectRuler |
The Ruler object
| |
IEObjectShadow |
Specifies the object shadow properties
| |
IEObjectShape |
Specifies the shape of the begin or end of a line
| |
IEObjectStyles |
Specifies the behavior of the object
| |
IEObjectText |
The Text object
| |
IEObjectType |
Specifies the object type
| |
AcquireParams..::..IEOrientation |
Orientation defines the orientation of the output image.
| |
IEPenModes |
Indicates the pen mode.
| |
IEPenStyles |
Indicates the type of line a pen draws.
| |
IEPoint |
Represent a point
| |
IEAnnotations..::..IEPolylineEndingMode |
Specifies which mouse action terminates inserting of a polyline object.
| |
IEPolylineLayer | IEImage supports multiple layers, allowing the creation of a single image from multiple source images (which can be resized, rotated, moved, etc). IEPolylineLayer is a descendent of IELayer that displays a line formed from multiple points. It can also be closed to display a polygon. | |
IEProgressEventArgs |
Event handler for progress
| |
IEDirectShow..::..IEPropertyPages |
Specifies the property page associated to a filter
| |
IEDirectShow..::..IEPropertyPagesType |
Specifies the dialog type
| |
IEQuadCoords |
A group of four 2d integer coordinates.
| |
IERCenter |
Specifies the center of rotation.
| |
IERect |
Represents a rectangle in terms of left, top, right and bottom positions
| |
IERectangle |
Represents a rectangle in terms of X, Y, Width and Height
| |
IERectList |
Class used by IEImage.SeparateObjects to return a list of rectangles
| |
IEDirectShow..::..IEReferenceClock |
Specifies a reference clock
| |
IEResampleFilter |
Filters used in Zoom and image resampling.
If you need the best quality we suggest: Hermite, Bell, BSpline, Lanczos3, Mitchell, Nearest, Bilinear, Bicubic
If you need speed we suggest: Triangle, Linear, FastLinear, WICNearestNeighbor, WICLinear, WICCubic, WICFant
For projects (white on black or black on white) we suggest: ProjectBW and ProjectWB
| |
Defines an RGB color
| |
Defines an RGB 48 bit color
| |
Defines an RGB+Alpha color
| |
IERulerType |
Specifies the type of the ruler object
| |
IEViewRulerParams..::..IERulerUnits |
Specifies the measurement unit displayed on the ruler.
| |
IEScrollBars |
Specifies whether the component includes horizontal and vertical scroll bars.
| |
IEImage..::..IESeekDestination | ||
IESelectImageEventArgs |
Event handler for select image
| |
IESelectionOptions |
Provides access to selection behavior options.
| |
IEShape |
The shape displayed
| |
IEShapeLayer | IEImage supports multiple layers, allowing the creation of a single image from multiple source images (which can be resized, rotated, moved, etc). IEShapeLayer is a descendent of IELayer that displays one of IEvolution's pre-built shapes. | |
IEViewer..::..IESoftCropMode |
Portion of layers that are outside the background layer are shown as:
| |
IEDirectShow..::..IEState |
Current state of the graph.
| |
IEStringArray |
Class used to handle string array
| |
IEStringList |
Class used to handle string list
| |
IETagsHandler |
This class allows to read EXIF maker note tags, when it is in form of IFD (like Canon Maker note).
| |
IETagType |
A TIFF tag type
| |
IETextAlign |
Specifies how text is aligned within the object.
| |
IETextCurveShape |
Specifies a text curve shape
| |
IETextFileFormat |
The output format for SaveAsText method.
| |
IETextLayer |
IEImage supports multiple layers, allowing the creation of a single image from multiple source images (which can be resized, rotated, moved, etc).
IETextLayer is a descendent of IELayer that displays text.
| |
IEThreshMode |
Used in ConvertToBlackWhite_localThreshold to specify algorihtm for local threshold.
| |
IOPrintPreviewParams..::..IEThumbnailStyle |
Thumbnail style
| |
IETIFFHandler |
This class handles a TIFF file or stream. Allows to read/write standard and custom tags in a single or multipage TIFF.
| |
IEDirectShow..::..IETimeFormat |
Specifies the time format.
| |
IEViewer..::..IETransitionTiming |
TransitionTiming allows you to select how the transition progresses
| |
IEDirectShow..::..IETVStandard |
TV Standard
| |
IEViewer..::..IEUserInteractionEvent |
User interaction event
| |
IEDirectShow..::..IEVideoFormat |
Specifies accepted video formats
| |
IEViewChangeEventArgs |
Event handler for view change
| |
IEViewer | IEViewer component is main component of the IEvolution component suite. IEViewer contains a IEImage object that allows the application to load and save single images (BMP,PCX,TIFF,JPEG...), performs image processing, capture video, acquires image from scanner and write objects over the image. | |
IEViewRulerParams |
Specifies the properties of embedded rulers within a IEViewer
| |
IEVSoftShadow |
This class specifies how a shadow will be rendered.
| |
IEWallPaperStyle |
Specifies how to paint the wallpaper
| |
IEMulti..::..ImageAtPosQueryEventHandler |
Event called whenever it is necessary to check if specified coordinates are inside a thumbnail.
| |
IEViewer..::..ImageChangeEventArgs |
Event args for ImageChange
| |
IEMulti..::..ImageIDRequestEventHandler |
The Image ID Request event handler
| |
ImageInfoClass |
Contains page info
| |
IEMulti..::..ImageModeType |
Specify how the image is stored in memory
| |
IEImage..::..ImProcPages |
Image processing pages
| |
IEViewer..::..InternalCursorType |
IEvolution internal cursor
| |
IOPages |
File formats parameters pages
| |
IOParams |
IOParams class contains input/output parameters for image file formats
| |
IOPrintPreviewParams..::..IOPosition |
Specifies the image position in preview dialog.
| |
IOPrintPreviewParams |
This class allows to set/get values for print preview dialog (called by IEImage.PrintPreviewDialog).
| |
IOPrintPreviewParams..::..IOSize |
Specifies the image size in preview dialog.
| |
IPDialogParamsType |
Allows applications to set/get/save/load image processing dialog values.
| |
IPTC_Info |
Contains IPTC information.
| |
IOParams..::..JPEGColorSpace |
Jpeg color spaces
| |
IEImage..::..JpegCopyMarkers |
Jpeg lossless copy markers modes
| |
IOParams..::..JPEGCromaSubsampling |
Croma subsampling values for JPEG_CromaSubsampling.
| |
IOParams..::..JPEGDCTMethod |
The DCT methods
| |
JPEGMarkers |
JPEGMarkers is the object that contains the list of markers loaded from a jpeg.
| |
IOParams..::..JPEGScale |
Jpeg scale
| |
IEImage..::..JpegTransform |
Jpeg lossless transformations
| |
IEViewer..::..LayerEvent |
Layer event
| |
IEViewer..::..LayerNotifyEventArgs |
Event args for LayerNotify
| |
IEViewer..::..LayersResizeAspectRatioType |
Specifies values for LayersResizeAspectRatio property.
| |
IEImage..::..Location |
Specify where to store the image
| |
IEImage..::..LZWSupportType |
Gif/TIFF LZW support mode
| |
IEImage..::..MagicWandType |
Selection mode of magic wand
| |
IEImage..::..MedianOperationType |
Used in MedianFilter method of IEImage.
| |
MiscPluginsImageMagick | MiscPluginsImageMagick is a wrapper around ImageMagick library, allowing IEvolution to load many formats like PDF, PS, PCD and many others. To setup ImageMagick wrapper just call, one time, the RegisterPlugin static method. You can download ImageMagick from: http://www.imagemagick.org/script/binary-releases.php#windows In order to load PDF, PS, PCL and you have to install the Ghostscript library: http://www.ghostscript.com/download/ | |
IEViewer..::..MouseWheelActions |
Specifies the task to perform on mouse wheel events
| |
IEViewer..::..MouseWheelVariations |
Specifies how much scrolls or zoom in response to mouse wheel rotation
| |
IEViewer..::..MouseWheelZoomPositions |
If MouseWheelAction is Zoom, MouseWheelZoomPosition specifies where the zoom act.
| |
NavigatorOptions |
SetNavigator options.
| |
IEViewer..::..ObjectInserting |
Specifies the object to insert
| |
IEImage..::..PaletteType |
Palette type to use when reducing colors.
| |
IEDictionary..::..ParserLang |
Dump\parse language
| |
IOParams..::..PCXCompression |
Specifies the PCX compression
| |
IOParams..::..PDFCompression |
Specifies PDF compression
| |
IEImage..::..PixelFormat |
Specifies the internal pixel format
| |
IOParams..::..PNGFilter |
The PNG filter
| |
IEImage..::..PresetFilter |
Preset filters
| |
IEImage..::..PreviewParamsOptions |
Preview dialogs options
| |
IEImageList..::..PreviewParamsType |
Parameters for file formats and image processing dialogs
| |
IEImage..::..PrintDialogs |
Select the print preview dialog type
| |
IEImage..::..PrintHorizontalPos |
Printing horizontal positions
| |
IEImage..::..PrintMeasureUnits |
Measure units for dialogs
| |
IEImage..::..PrintOrientationTag |
Indicates the orientation of pages when printing.
| |
IEImage..::..PrintSize |
Printing sizes
| |
IEImage..::..PrintVerticalPos |
Printing vertical positions
| |
IEViewer..::..ProgressEventHandler |
The progress event handler
| |
IEMulti..::..ProgressEventHandler |
The progress event handler
| |
IOParams..::..PSCompression |
Specifies PS compression
| |
RenderOperation |
The blend/render operation for a layer
| |
IEMulti..::..SelectImageEventHandler |
The select image event handler
| |
IEImage..::..SelectionBaseType |
Selection base
| |
IEMulti..::..SelectSeekType |
Specify the SelectSeek movement.
| |
IEImage..::..SelOp |
Selection operation
| |
IEMulti..::..SoftShadowProp |
SoftShadow allows to paint a shadow under the thumbnails. The EnableAlphaChannel property must be also True.
| |
IEMulti..::..StyleType |
Style specifies the thumbnails style. It can be flat or 3D.
| |
IEMulti..::..TextFontPos |
Specifies for which text to set font
| |
IOParams..::..TIFFByteOrder |
Specifies TIFF byte order
| |
IOParams..::..TIFFCompression |
Standard TIFF compressions
| |
IOParams..::..TIFFPhotometInterpret |
The TIFF standard photometric interpretations
| |
IOParams..::..TIFFPlanarConf |
Planar configuration
| |
IOParams..::..TIFFZIPCompression |
Specifies the ZIP compression level
| |
IEViewer..::..Transition |
Specifies the transition effect
| |
IEMulti..::..Transition |
Specifies the transition effect
| |
IEMulti..::..TruncSideMode | ||
TWainParams |
TWainParams object contains a lot of properties and methods to control TWain scanners without use the default dialog.
| |
UndoModeType |
Specifies the undo mode.
| |
UndoSource |
Specifies the source of Undo or Redo operation.
| |
IEViewer..::..UserInteractionEventArgs |
Event args for UserInteraction
| |
IEViewer..::..VAlign |
Image vertical alignment
| |
VertAlign |
Specifies a vertical alignment
| |
IEViewChangeEventArgs..::..ViewChanged |
Specifies what is changed
| |
IEViewer..::..ViewChangeEventHandler |
The view change event handler
| |
IEMulti..::..ViewChangeEventHandler |
The view change event handler
| |
IEMulti..::..WallPaperStyleType |
Specifies how to paint a wall paper