ImageEn, unit iegdiplus




// Standard overload
function AdvancedDrawLine(X1, Y1, X2, Y2 : Integer;
                          LineColor: TColor;
                          LineWidth: Integer;
                          LineStyle: TIEGPPenStyle;
                          StartingShape, EndingShape: TIELineEndShape;
                          ShapeSize: Integer;
                          ShapeFillColor: TColor = clWhite; // Shape uses LineColor and LineWidth for Pen
                          LineCurve: Double = 0;
                          AntiAlias: Boolean = True;
                          CalculateOnly: Boolean = False
                          ): TRect; overload;

// Text Label overload
function AdvancedDrawLine(X1, Y1, X2, Y2 : Integer;
                          LineColor: TColor;
                          LineWidth: Integer;
                          LineStyle: TIEGPPenStyle;
                          StartingShape, EndingShape: TIELineEndShape;
                          ShapeSize: Integer;
                          ShapeFillColor: TColor; // Shape uses LineColor and LineWidth for Pen

                          // Text Label
                          LabelPosition: TIELineLabelPos;
                          const LabelText: String;
                          LabelFont: TFont;
                          LabelAutoShrink: Boolean = True;
                          LabelShape: TIEShape = iesRectangle;
                          LabelFillColor: TColor = clWhite;
                          LabelFillColor2: TColor = clBlue;
                          LabelFillGradient: TIEGDIPlusGradient = gpgNone;
                          LabelOpacity: Double = 1.0;
                          LabelHorzMargin: Double = 0;
                          LabelVertMargin: Double = 0;

                          // Other parameters
                          LineCurve: Double = 0;
                          AntiAlias: Boolean = True;
                          CalculateOnly: Boolean = False
                          ): TRect; overload;

// Full Overload
function AdvancedDrawLine(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer;
                          LineColor: TColor;
                          LineWidth: Integer;
                          LineStyle: TIEGPPenStyle;
                          StartingShape, EndingShape: TIELineEndShape;
                          ShapeSize: Integer;
                          ShapeFillColor: TColor; // Shape uses LineColor and LineWidth for Pen

                          // Text Label
                          LabelPosition: TIELineLabelPos;
                          const LabelText: String;
                          LabelFont: TFont;
                          LabelAutoShrink: Boolean = True;
                          LabelShape: TIEShape = iesRectangle;
                          LabelBorderWidth: Integer = 1;
                          LabelBorderColor: TColor = clBlack;
                          LabelFillColor: TColor = clWhite;
                          LabelFillColor2: TColor = clBlue;
                          LabelFillGradient: TIEGDIPlusGradient = gpgNone;
                          LabelOpacity: Double = 1.0;
                          LabelHorzMargin: Double = 0;
                          LabelVertMargin: Double = 0;

                          // Advanced Text Styling
                          TextBorderWidth: Integer = 0;
                          TextBorderColor: TColor = clBlack;
                          TextFillTransparency1: Integer = 255;
                          TextFillTransparency2: Integer = 255;
                          TextFillColor2: TColor = clRed;
                          TextFillGradient: TIEGDIPlusGradient = gpgNone;

                          // Other parameters
                          LineCurve: Double = 0;
                          AntiAlias: Boolean = True;
                          CalculateOnly: Boolean = False
                          ): TRect; overload;


Draws a line that starts at X1,Y1 and ends at X2,Y2. It can optionally include:
Start and ending shapes (e.g. arrows)
Label with text

For a simpler method, use: DrawLine.

General Properties
Parameter Description
X1, Y1 The starting point of the line. Note: This ignores any end shapes and labels
X2, Y2 The ending point of the line. Note: This ignores any end shapes and labels
LineColor Color of the line
LineWidth Width of the line
LineStyle How the line is drawn
StartingShape, EndingShape The shape of any objects at the start/end of the line
ShapeSize Size of the start/end shapes
ShapeSize Fill color of the start/end shapes (LineColor and LineWidth are used for the border)

Text Label
Parameter Description
LabelPosition Where the text label is drawn on the line
LabelText The string to output to the label
LabelFont Optional: The font for the text. You can create a temporary TFont object, or specify NIL to use the Canvas.Font
LabelAutoShrink If True, and the text is too large for the label, the font size will be reduced until it fits
LabelShape The shape of frame
LabelBorderColor The color of the label border (or clNone for no border)
LabelBorderWidth The width of the label border
LabelFillColor The color of the label fill (or clNone for no fill)
LabelFillColor2 The color of the secondary fill (if the label fill has a gradient)
LabelFillGradient The direction of the gradient for the label fill (from LabelFillColor to LabelFillColor2). gpgNone specifies no gradient
LabelOpacity Specifies the opacity of the label (from 0.0 to 1.0)
LabelHorzMargin, LabelVertMargin Adds margin to the label

Advanced Text Styling
Parameter Description
TextBorderWidth If not 0 the text will have a colored border of the specified width
TextBorderColor The color of the text border
TextFillTransparency1 The transparency of the text fill (the color is specified by Font.Color)
TextFillTransparency2 The transparency of the secondary fill (if the text fill has a gradient)
TextFillColor2 The color of the secondary fill (if the text fill has a gradient). The fill color is specified by Font.Color. gpgNone specifies no gradient
TextFillGradient The direction of the gradient for the text fill (from Font.Color to TextFillColor2)

Other Parameters
Parameter Description
LineCurve Specifies the curvature of the line as a multiplier to increase or decrease the radius of the curve. 0: No curve, 1: Curve of an exact half circle, >1 creates a shallower curve, <1 creates a bulging curve. Pass as negative to sweep clockwise
AntiAlias True uses best quality. False disables anti-aliasing
CalculateOnly If true, the text is not drawn, just the output size returned as the result

Result is the size of the entire draw in pixels (i.e. it may be outside the passed line points if a label or ending shape has been specified).


Demo  Demos\ImageEditing\EveryMethod\EveryMethod.dpr


// Draw a pointer
ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.IECanvas.AdvancedDrawLine( 40, 30, 200, 100,
                                                 clBlack, 2,
                                                 ieesArrow, ieesCircle,
                                                 20, clRed );

// Draw a line pointer with a label
ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.IECanvas.Font.Name  := 'Tahoma';
ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.IECanvas.Font.Size  := 8;
ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.IECanvas.Font.Style := [fsBold];
ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.IECanvas.Font.Color := clBlack;
ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.IECanvas.AdvancedDrawLine( 140, 30, 240, 100,
                                                 clBlack, 2,
                                                 ieesArrow, ieesNone,
                                                 20, clRed,
                                                 ielpAtEnd, 'Labeled Pointer',
                                                 nil, True,
                                                 iesRectangle, clRed, clYellow,
                                                 gpgVertical );

See Also
