Value | Description |
iesbFilename | Sorts by the full file path (using ImageFileName) |
iesbTopText | Alphabetical sort on ImageTopText |
iesbBottomText | Alphabetical sort on ImageBottomText |
iesbInfoText | Alphabetical sort on ImageInfoText |
iesbImageSize | Sorting by the image dimensions (ImageOriginalWidth x ImageOriginalHeight) |
iesbFilenameWithoutPath | Sorts only on the name portion of the file (i.e. excluding the file path) |
iesbFileExtension | Sorts by the extension of the file (e.g. .jpeg or .tiff) |
iesbFileSize | Sorting by the size of the files on disk |
iesbCreateDate | Sorting by the date that the files were created (Note: If the image contains an EXIF date, it is used rather than the file date for improved accuracy) |
iesbEditDate | Sorting by the date that the files were last modified |
iesbFileType | Sorting by the file type |
iesbRandom | Sorting of files in a pseudo random order (Note: uses ImageFileName. Folders are sorted alphabetically) |
iesbCustom | TImageEnFolderMView only: Sorts using the event, OnCustomSortCompare (has no effect in TImageEnMView) |
iesbNone | No sorting |